(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees … · 2020-06-16 · KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (1)

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Mission Statement: Inspire individuals & enrich our community one student at a time.

Vision Statement: Be a national leader in academic excellence & partner of choice in the

communities we serve.


June 16, 2020 – 5:00 P.M.

Virtual Meeting

1. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Agenda

4. Audience to Patrons and Petitioners (5-minute limit)

5. Recognitions/Presentations – None scheduled.

6. Communications – None scheduled.

7. Board Committee Reports

8. Consent Agenda: (Item A) - Approval of Minutes of the May 19, 2020 Meeting (Item A1) - Approval of Minutes of the May 19, 2020 Special Meeting (Item A2) – Approval of Minutes of the May 28, 2020 Executive Session (Item A3) – Approval of Minutes of the June 2, 2020 Executive Session (item A4) – Approval of Minutes of the Annual Board Budget Workshop, June 9, 2020 (Item B) - Approval of Recommendations for Payment (Item C) - Approval of Ratification Items (Item D) - Approval of Personnel Items (H.R.)

9. Student Senate Report – None scheduled.

10. President’s Report – Dr. Greg Mosier

11. Vice President Academic Affairs Report – Mr. Jerry Pope, Interim

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2)

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12. Vice President Student Affairs Report – Dr. Delfina Wilson

13. Vice President Strategic Initiatives & Outreach Report – Ms. Tami Bartunek

14. Chief Financial Officer Report – Mr. Michael Beach

15. Chief Human Resources Officer Report – Ms. Christina McGee

16. Chief Information Officer Report – Mr. Peter Gabriel

17. Unfinished Business: Board Meeting Dates for Academic Year 2020 - 2021. Presented by Dr. Greg Mosier.

18. New Business: President’s Contract Renewal for July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2023. Presented by Chair Ray

Daniels. Resolution of Support. Presented by Chair Ray Daniels. Board Approval of Land Acquisition. Presented by Dr. Greg Mosier. Capital Campaign. Presented by Dr. Greg Mosier. Special Release. Presented by Ms. Tami Bartunek. New Policy for Approval – Educational Assistance. Presented by Chair Ray Daniels.

19. Executive Session(s) – None scheduled.

21. Adjournment Next Meeting of the Board of Trustees: To Be Determined and Publicized

following the Board meeting.

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (3)

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Mission Statement: Inspire individuals & enrich our community one student at a time.

Vision Statement: Be a national leader in academic excellence & partner of choice in the

communities we serve.


May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M.

Virtual Meeting

CONSENT AGENDA – Item A Meeting Minutes

1. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance: Chairman Ray Daniels called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dr. Greg Mosier, President of Kansas City Kansas Community College.

2. Roll Call: Indicated the following present – Trustees: Ash, Brown, Brune, Criswell, Daniels, McIntyre, Sutton. All members present.

3. Approval of Agenda: Chair Daniels called for a motion to accept the Agenda. Trustee Sutton made the motion to accept the agenda. Trustee McIntyre seconded the motion. The Motion Carried.

4. Audience to Patrons and Petitioners (5-minute limit): Chair Daniels addressed those attending the meeting via Zoom. He invited attendees interested in addressing the Board to raise their hand in the chat room to be acknowledged. After receiving no response from the audience, Chair Daniels moved forward to the next agenda item.

5. Recognitions/Presentations: With no scheduled recognitions or presentations, Chair Daniels moved to the next agenda item.

6. Communications: With no scheduled communications, Chair Daniels moved to the next agenda item.

7. Board Committee Reports: Chair Daniels called for reports from the Board Committees. On behalf of the Board Finance Committee, Vice-Chair Criswell stated that in their last meeting on May 12th, the following items were discussed: • Discussion of financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. • Continued work and discussions concerning the Student Housing project.

On behalf of the Board Policy Committee, Trustee Sutton shared that the policy committee did not meet in May and are expecting to present in June. There are currently many policies in process.

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (4)

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8. Consent Agenda: Chair Daniels called for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda. Trustee Brune moved to accept the Consent Agenda. Trustee Sutton seconded the motion. The Motion Carried.

9. Student Senate Report: Chair Daniels called for the Student Senate report. Mr. Destin Williams, Student Senate Vice President, gave the report in Mr. Jose Paredes’ absence. Mr. Williams reported the following of Student Senate – • Held the Club Budget Hearings on April 7th, 9th, 14th, and 16th. Twenty-three clubs

submitted their budget proposals for the 2020-2021 academic year. • Held 2 online Student Senate meetings on Zoom and Facebook Live. There was a

guest speaker at each meeting – Ms. Amanda Williams, Director of the Learning Commons, to discussing resources available for students and the League of Women Voters who discussed the importance of voting.

• The following events are in progress: o 2020-21 Student Senate Elections. The voting will be conducted online. The

deadlines have been extended to September 2020. o Online Student Senate Grad Recognition event hosted on social media. There

are currently 330 students have submitted “Graduation Selfies” for the event. o Planning for 3-day Student Senate Retreat for the planning of 2020 -21

academic year. • E-Sports Gamers Club hosted 2 online club meetings. Competed in the Taikai E-Sports

Quarantine Cup, where Mr. Dallas Germany, a graduating senior, placed 12th out of 48 players in the Super Smash Brothers Tournament. The club also competed in Florida this year where they placed first in several tournaments.

• The Out, Questioning, & Straight (OQS) Diversity Club has hosted 4 meetings to date. • All clubs have been very active and hosting meetings online via Zoom and social

media platforms, averaging 8 meetings per club. • Facebook Live statistics show that from March 19th through May 4th, there have been

more than 24,000 people reached (who have seen or been tagged on a post) and more than 3,200 engagements (who have liked, commented, or shared on a post).

Chair Daniels asked for any questions or comments for Mr. Williams. Hearing none, he thanked Mr. Williams for coming to the meeting. Chair Daniels called for a motion to accept the Student Senate report. Vice-Chair Criswell made the motion to accept the Student Senate report. Trustee McIntyre seconded the motion. The Motion Carried.

10. President’s Report: Chair Daniels called for the President’s report. Dr. Mosier reported the following – • Congratulated Mr. Williams on a terrific report detailing student engagement. • Thanked everyone who contributed to the Blue Devils Comeback Plan. Yesterday

marked the first day returning from the coronavirus pandemic. • The college served 86 students on-campus at KCKCC in the 3 locations – Main

Campus, TEC, and PCC. Students were returning books and loaned laptops, picking up books for summer courses, receiving advising, and other services.

• Shared that, prior to the pandemic, the unemployment rate in Wyandotte County was 4.5%, currently the county hovers between 18-20% unemployment. Some of the

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (5)

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economic strain on the county preceded the strain the pandemic. As shared by Mr. Greg Kindle, president of the Wyandotte Economic Development Council, the second highest paying jobs in the state of Kansas are available in Wyandotte County, but the family incomes are the lowest in the state. This speaks to the education and skills of the families in the area. What KCKCC does is extremely important to provide much needed services and education to our community.

• KCKCC was featured by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Journal regarding the Blue Devils Comeback Plan. KCKCC’s plan is now being used nationally for other colleges as a model plan.

• KCKCC’s amazing Music department won 6 Downbeat awards this year. Last year, we won 5, which was a record and, this year, we beat our own record with 6 awards.

• KCKCC has 837 graduates eligible for our Virtual Graduation Ceremony this week. Dr. Mosier invited everyone to take the opportunity to log in to celebrate our students’ success on Thursday.

Concluding his report, Dr. Mosier asked if there were any questions from the Board. Hearing none, Chair Daniels asked for a motion to accept the President’s report. Trustee Sutton made the motion to accept the President’s report. Trustee McIntyre seconded the motion. The Motion Carried.

11. Vice President Academic Affairs Report: Chair Daniels called for the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA) report. Mr. Jerry Pope reported the following – • Academic Support & Assessment department has hosted 5,999 Zoom meetings with

almost 43,000 participants, amounting to more than 1 million minutes over the last month! This is evidence that the faculty and students are utilizing resources available to them online since classes have become offered virtually. Wonderful work going on in our virtual classrooms as we support our students’ success online.

• Center for Teaching Excellence - Learning Spaces Task Force are now in phase two of the classroom remodel in the Humanities building. Many thanks to Mr. Michael Beach, Chief Financial Officer; Mr. Jeff Sixta, Director of Facilities Services and the Facilities Services crew.

• Arts, Communications, & Humanities – Head Debate Coach, Mr. Darren Elliott and one of the Debate team members authored a topic resolution paper for next year’s National Forensics Association Lincoln-Douglas Debate.

• Music department has received several Downbeat Awards to include both individual student awards and ensemble awards. This is a tremendous honor for the students, faculty and the department.

• An English professor, Ms. Tasha Haus, has published a book of short stories. • One of our alumni, Mr. Eric Mathis, has been accepted at Northwestern University for

a graduate program to study under lyric-coloratura mezzo-soprano Ms. Joyce DiDonato.

• Math, Science, & Business Technology - Dr. Sue Courtney, a retired KCKCC Business professor and former Dean of Math, Science, and Business technology department, has been announced as an Emeritus Member of the Board of Directors for the

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (6)

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Accreditation Council of Business Schools and Programs. Congratulations to Dr. Courtney.

• Video created by students in the Biomanufacturing program as a recruiting tool for high school students.

• Career & Technical Education – working to get the Second Chance Pell in place for incarcerated individuals to attend courses at KCKCC in the coming year.

• Perkins allowed institutions to reallocate some professional development funds, unused due to travel restrictions, for the purchase of much needed equipment. There were about $105,000 dollars repurposed.

Health Professions – hosted a Virtual Pinning Ceremony and Celebration today. • Photos of KCKCC Health Professions students and students from other departments

working on the front lines during the pandemic. Mr. Pope concluded his report and asked the Board for any questions. Vice-Chair Criswell and Trustee Sutton congratulated Dr. Sue Courtney on this great accomplishment. Trustee Sutton continued with many thanks to Ms. Susan Stuart and the Online Education team for their continued support to the faculty and students with online classes; to the Learning and Library Services and the Writing Center for providing online tutoring support with response 24/7; and for the new offering of the Welding Technology certificate at Lansing Correctional Facility. Thank you to our community partner, Zephyr Products, Inc. Mr. Pope shared that the exact dates for the Second Chance Pell program to begin are not yet known, but KCKCC are in communications and will keep the Board posted. Chair Daniels asked for any additional questions or comments for Mr. Pope. Hearing none, he called for a motion to accept the Vice President of Academic Affairs report. Vice-Chair Criswell made a motion to accept the Vice President of Academic Affairs Report. Trustee Sutton seconded the motion. The Motion Carried.

12. Vice President Student Affairs Report: Chair Daniels called for the Vice President of Student Affairs (VPSA) report. Dr. Delfina Wilson reported the following – • Completion of Blue Devils Comeback Plan - thanks to all who contributed to the

planning and production of this plan! • A student version of the Blue Devils Comeback Plan has also been developed and has

been sent by email to all KCKCC students and posted on the KCKCC website. • Student Affairs departments continue to serve students virtually. We are here, both

virtually and on campus, to serve and support our students. • Thanked Ms. Tami Bartunek and her team for the designed and printed social

distancing and other informational signage and the Facilities team and College Police for posting signage around each of the campuses.

• In June, there will be several check-in stations instituted at each of the campuses as employees, students and guests visit KCKCC. A few of the check-in stations will be at Jewell Building, Learning Commons, Mathematics Building, TEC, and Pioneer.

• KCKCC COVID-19 Grant Relief Fund, as of April 28th, has awarded from the CARES Act Fund more than $190,000 dollars to 226 students; approximately $16,000 dollars from the KCKCC Foundation to 43 students; and approximately $81,000 dollars from

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (7)

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the KCKCC Match Fund to 117 students. The spring term grant application deadline is May 22nd. Summer term applications will be accepted soon after. Thanked Financial Aid and Business offices for their efforts to get the funds to the students.

• Virtual Graduation was a great success!! Thanked all those who shared their messages of congratulations to the students. The students were offered cap and gown, their diploma, and a graduation program.

• Student Affairs continues to have open communication with students and potential students to encourage and ask questions about enrollment for fall semester. We understand there is anxiety. The Counseling and Advocacy office continues to offer services for our students.

Dr. Wilson concluded her report and asked the Board for any questions. Chair Daniels shared that the Student Affairs department seems to really be focused on the students and the team has done great work. Mr. Williams asked about the disbursem*nt of funds for the student relief grants. Dr. Wilson answered that many students have received funds. She invited students to call the Student Affairs office or to email her directly if they have not yet received their awards and she would investigate the matter. Trustee Sutton shared appreciate for retention efforts continuing. With no further questions or comments, Chair Daniels called for a motion to accept the Vice President of Student Affairs report. Trustee Sutton made a motion to accept the Vice President of Student Affairs report. Trustee McIntyre seconded the motion. The Motion Carried.

13. Vice President Strategic Initiatives & Outreach Report: Chair Daniels called for the Vice President of Strategic Initiatives & Outreach (VPSIO) report. Ms. Tami Bartunek reported the following – • Social media analytics are currently very strong. This shows that people are using our

social media outlets to get information about the college, events, and activities. • The posts that have received the most response have been about COVID-19. The

leading post, with 3,000 unique responses, was about the Student Relief Fund. • The social media post with the second most responses was our tweet thanking front

line health care workers. • Shared the following videos: Senior Send-Off commercial – highlighting 13 high

schools in our service area; short virtual tour of KCKCC-Main Campus that has been posted on the website and shared on social media; and Behind the Scenes with Laurence Fishburne one-minute commercial video.

• Thanked all the teams for all the support. Chair Daniels thanked Ms. Bartunek and her team and asked if there were any questions. Trustee McIntyre thanked Ms. Bartunek and her team for keeping KCKCC in the eye of the KC Metro area. With no further questions or comments, Chair Daniels called for a motion to accept the Vice President of Strategic Initiatives & Outreach report. Trustee Sutton made a motion to accept the Vice President of Strategic Initiatives & Outreach report. Trustee McIntyre seconded the motion. The Motion Carried.

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (8)

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14. Chief Financial Officer Report: Chair Daniels called for the Chief Financial Officer’s report. Mr. Michael Beach reported the following – • Student Housing project is moving along on its target dates. Released the Request for

Qualifications Proposal (RFQP) on May 1st. The first Q&A session had 74 attendees. All submitters were provided with the questions and answers that were submitted. Next deadline is to receive proposals from submitters on May 29th.

• FY2020-21 budget process moving according to plan. Meeting earlier this month with Extended Cabinet to present the operational budget for discussion.

• Shout out to Facilities team and Police Department implementing the robust Blue Devil Comeback Plan. Getting everything in place to carry the plan off. Come Monday morning we were ready to open our doors.

• Maintenance workers have been back since April 29th. The Humanities Building had a new air handling unit being installed. Remodeling plaster. Acoustic sound and spraying construction installed. Great work in moving the projects along.

• Custodial crews have elevated cleaning to ensure that students, faculty, and staff are safe with the inclusion of the electrostatic cleaning equipment. Doing a great job with a great plan in place concerning what is being cleaned, how it is being cleaned, and the frequency of the cleaning.

• Bookstore is working to support students in returning books and getting their books for summer semester. Instituted curbside drop-off for books for students. Also working this USPS to ship books to students at no additional cost to them.

• Facilities crews working on a few projects including renovation for Institutional Effectiveness offices, upper and lower Humanities Building, and Nursing department elevator rebuild.

• College police are working hard, on the front line, pitching in and doing the work supporting people in many areas across our campuses.

• Financial statements – at the end of April operating expenses about 74% spent; about 9% lower than projected.

• Net position is about $1.8 million dollars ahead at same time last year. • Cash position about $2.4 million dollars ahead of where we were last year this time

regarding total cash reserves. Cash reserves help us to get through times when we are not bringing in a lot of revenue.

Mr. Beach concluded his report and asked the Board for any questions. Vice-Chair Criswell thanked Mr. Beach and the KCKCC Administration for their remarkable work during the pandemic. Chair Daniels echoed the commendation. Hearing no other questions or comments, Chair Daniels called for a motion to accept the Chief Financial Officer’s report. Vice-Chair Criswell made a motion to accept the Chief Financial Officer’s report. Trustee McIntyre seconded the motion. The Motion Carried.

15. Chief Human Resources Officer Report: Chair Daniels called for the Chief of Human Resources Report. Ms. Christina McGee reported the following – • Spent much time working on the Blue Devil Comeback Plan. • Worked with employees for check-in stations gathering resources and completing

training necessary for working at the check-in points

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (9)

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• Thanked employees who are scheduled to work at the check-in points; their role is so important to the safety of the college.

• Merit Leave Task Force met to discuss performance reward for personnel considering alternative ideas and devising a proposal to submit to administration.

• Completing training for new requirements for Title IX and working with supervisors and employees on completing their annual Title IX training.

• Family First Coronavirus Act effects employees taking time off work as employees come back. Human Resources is currently working on processes and updating forms to ensure that the College is adhering to compliance standards and meeting the accommodations that staff need.

Ms. McGee concluded her report and asked if there were any questions. Chair Daniels asked if there was a grace period for getting people through Title IX training. Ms. McGee shared that the training was sent to all employees in February and all employees were allowed 30-days to complete the training. The HR office allowed an extension to April 30th. She continued that, when asked, the College must be able to demonstrate that training was completed, offered, etc. s. McGee concluded that, for the most part, the college has about 80% employees who have completed the training, which is required every year for each employee. Chair Daniels asked for any additional questions or comments. Hearing none, he called for a motion to accept the Chief of Human Resources Report. Vice-Chair Criswell made a motion to accept the Chief of Human Resources Report. Trustee McIntyre seconded the motion. The Motion Carried.

16. Chief Information Officer Report: Chair Daniels called for the Chief of Information Services Report. Mr. Peter Gabriel reported the following – • Served 44 students today. • Added the wireless access to parking lot at Pioneer Career Center. • With the move to virtual classes and working from home, the Information Services

(IS) help desk should have seen an increase in the calls and time it takes to complete the calls. However, the number of tickets resolved were much higher than before. Thanked the Help Desk team for their hard work.

• Thanked the Media Services team for their amazing work on the Virtual Graduation Ceremony.

• Announcing via email and social media that on June 1st, IS will be able to check out/lend computers for the summer classes for students who need devices.

• At the check-in points, it was good to see how people handled the situation. No one had an issue waiting in line, no one objected to having temperature taken. It was great to see.

Mr. Gabriel concluded his report and asked if there were any questions. Chair Daniels extended thanks to Mr. Gabriel and his team for helping with the Board meetings. With no additional questions or comments, Chair Daniels asked for a motion to accept the Chief Information Officer’s report. Trustee Sutton made a motion to accept the Chief Information Officer’s report. Vice-Chair Criswell seconded the motion. The Motion Carried.

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (10)

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Chair Daniels shared that leadership makes a difference. He thanked everyone on behalf of the Board for the leadership they have shown and continue to show. Chair Daniels thanked everyone for the difference that they are making. Dr. Mosier echoed the congratulations to the KCKCC Administration and their teams. The magnitude and complexity of the events of late has been unprecedented. He thanked everyone again.

17. Unfinished Business: Chair Daniels acknowledged that there were no items for Unfinished Business. The Board continued to the next item on the agenda.

18. New Business: Chair Daniel asked for the presentation of the Board Meeting Dates for Academic Year 2020 - 2021. Dr. Mosier acknowledged that the Board have in the packet the list of dates for the next year’s meeting. The dates presented are reflective of last year. All meetings are at 5:00 p.m., with 3 meetings being held at 9:00 a.m. - one at each site. Chair Daniels asked for any questions or comments. Hearing none, he shared that the Board would make the final vote at the June meeting.

Chair Daniels reminded the Board of the upcoming KACCT Quarterly meeting in June.

19. Executive Session(s): Chair Daniels acknowledged that there was action needed for the executive session held during the special meeting.

21. Adjournment: Vice-Chair Criswell made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Sutton seconded the motion. The Motion Carried.

The meeting of the Board of Trustees adjourned at 6:16 p.m.

ATTEST: __________________________________________

Chairperson, Dr. Ray Daniels

_________________________________________ Secretary, Dr. Greg Mosier

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (11)

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Mission Statement: Inspire individuals & enrich our community one student at a time.

Vision Statement: Be a national leader in academic excellence & partner of choice in the

communities we serve.

Kansas City Kansas Community College Board of Trustees Special Meeting Minutes

May 19, 2020

CONSENT AGENDA – Item A1 Meeting Minutes The Board of Trustees met virtually on Tuesday, May 19, 2020 on the KCKCC Microsoft Teams meeting platform. Members Present: Chairman Ray Daniels, Vice-Chairwoman Evelyn Criswell, Mr. Don Ash,

Ms. Rosalyn Brown, Ms. Pat Brune, Dr. Janice McIntyre and Ms. Linda Hoskins Sutton were present in the virtual meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 4:03 p.m. by Board Chair, Dr. Ray Daniels. Dr. Mosier shared the following updates:

• HLC Site Visit Report – The HLC Site Visit team put together their recommendations for the Institutional Actions Council (IAC). KCKCC met all subcomponents of criteria 1 through 3. However, there were 3 subcomponents of criteria 4 and 1 subcomponent of criteria 5 that were not met. HLC has asked that the President and a small team come and provide additional information about the report. KCKCC has created an HLC Assessment Task Force. The current members are Dr. Greg Mosier, President; Ms. Cecelia Brewer, Dean of Academic Support and Assessment; Dr. Cynthia Goudeau, Director of Assessment; Mr. Jerry Pope, Interim Vice-President of Academic Affairs; Ms. Kristen Ball, Coordinator of HLC Activities during the HLC visit; and Mr. Mike Parrett, Respiratory Therapy faculty member. There will be one additional academic faculty member added to the team. The team will review assessment plan model and evaluate where KCKCC stands considering these models and draft a report of KCKCC’s plans. The report will need to be sent to HLC by Saturday, July 11th. The HLC Assessment Task Force will meet with IAC on Monday, August 10th, or Tuesday, August 11th. We will present virtually or in-person. Dr. Mosier asked for any questions from the Board. Chair Daniels asked when KCKCC could expect a response from HLC. Dr. Mosier answered that the response could be expected in fall 2020.

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Vice-Chair Criswell asked if Dr. Mosier agreed with the findings of the HLC Site Visit team as it relates to planning and relationship to assessment. He answered that concerning program-level assessment at KCKCC, the HLC report was not very far from the mark with the information that he is aware of at this time. KCKCC is lacking a Comprehensive Institutional Assessment Plan. We have a lot of the pieces of the plan however, we are missing a comprehensive plan.

• Blue Devils Comeback Plan – Our first day back to all KCKCC locations occurred Monday, May 18th. The plan really lays out for faculty, staff, and students that we are open for business and we are focusing on safety first. The plan has received great response which included national recognition from tweets for our plan. One tweet picked up by American Association of Community Colleges Journal. The author identified KCKCC’s plan as a good plan to share with other colleges looking for a model plan. Dr. Mosier asked for any questions. Vice-Chair Criswell asked to clarify Dr. Mosier’s statistics about the jobs as it relates to families in Wyandotte County. Dr. Mosier reiterated that although Wyandotte County has the 2nd highest wages in the state of Kansas, yet, our family income and health indicators are the lowest. The families do not have the training and education to obtain these high-paying jobs. By providing education and training, KCKCC is supporting the community in being able to obtain the jobs and improve the health index of the families. Trustee Sutton commended Dr. Mosier and all involved in creating the plan.

• COVID-19 Loss Estimate Report – Tracking financial expenses and losses we will experience as a college in relation to the Coronavirus pandemic. KCKCC did receive funds from CARE Stimulus 3 Package about $2.96 million dollars - half of which goes directly to student-related expenses and the other half to be used for institutional-related expenses.

Regarding new business, Dr. Mosier shared that the dates being considered for the 2020 Annual KCKCC Board of Trustees Retreat are Saturday, August 15th or Saturday, August 22nd. Dr. Mosier asked the Board to please check calendars for the date that works best. The retreat may be virtual or in-person. At 4:28 p.m., Chair Daniels called for a motion for the Board to enter an executive session for 15-minutes for the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property with possible action to follow in open session. Trustee McIntyre made a motion to enter in executive session for 15-minutes. Trustee Sutton seconded the motion. The Motion Carried. Due to technical difficulties, Ms. Risala Allen, Executive Administrative Partner to the President and Board of Trustees, announced that the executive session commenced at 4:38 p.m. At 4:53 p.m., the Board returned to open session with no action to follow. Chair Daniels called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Brune made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Brown seconded the motion.

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The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m. ATTEST: _____________________________________ Chairperson, Dr. Ray Daniels _____________________________________ Secretary, Dr. Greg Mosier

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (14)

Mission Statement: Inspire individuals & enrich our community one student at a time.

Vision Statement: Be a national leader in academic excellence & partner of choice in the

communities we serve.

Kansas City Kansas Community College Board of Trustees Executive Session Meeting Minutes

May 28, 2020 CONSENT AGENDA – Item A2 Meeting Minutes The Board of Trustees met virtually on Thursday, May 28, 2020 on the KCKCC Microsoft Teams meeting platform.

Members Present: Chairman Ray Daniels, Vice-Chairwoman Evelyn Criswell, Mr. Don Ash, Ms. Rosalyn Brown, Ms. Pat Brune, Dr. Janice McIntyre and Ms. Linda Hoskins Sutton were present in the virtual meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 5:04 p.m. by Board Chair, Dr. Ray Daniels.

At 5:04 p.m., Chair Daniels called for a motion for the Board to enter executive session for 45-minutes to discuss personnel matters of non-elected personnel with no action to follow in open session. Vice-Chair Criswell made a motion to enter in executive session for 45-minutes. Trustee McIntyre seconded the motion. The Motion Carried.

At 5:49 p.m., The Board returned to open session. Chair Daniels called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Vice-Chair Criswell made the motion to adjourn. Trustee Brune seconded the motion. The Motion Carried.

The meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m.

ATTEST: ___________________________________ Chairperson, Dr. Ray Daniels

___________________________________ Secretary, Dr. Greg Mosier

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (15)

Mission Statement: Inspire individuals & enrich our community one student at a time.

Vision Statement: Be a national leader in academic excellence & partner of choice in the communities

we serve.

Kansas City Kansas Community College Board of Trustees Executive Session Meeting Minutes

June 2, 2020 CONSENT AGENDA – Item A3 Meeting Minutes The Board of Trustees met virtually on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 on the KCKCC Microsoft Teams meeting platform.

Members Present: Chairman Ray Daniels, Vice-Chairwoman Evelyn Criswell, Mr. Don Ash, Ms. Rosalyn Brown, Ms. Pat Brune, Dr. Janice McIntyre and Ms. Linda Hoskins Sutton were present in the virtual meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 5:01 p.m. by Board Chair, Dr. Ray Daniels.

At 5:01 p.m., Chair Daniels called for a motion for the Board to enter executive session for 15-minutes to discuss personnel matters of non-elected personnel with no action to follow in open session. Vice-Chair Criswell made a motion to enter in executive session for 15-minutes. Trustee McIntyre seconded the motion. The Motion Carried.

At 5:16 p.m., the Board returned to open session. The Board discussed the need for additional time in executive session.

At 5:19 p.m., Chair Daniels called for a second executive session for 15-minutes to discuss personnel matters of non-elected personnel with no action to follow in open session. Trustee Sutton made a motion to enter in executive session for 15-minutes. Trustee McIntyre seconded the motion. The Motion Carried.

At 5:34 p.m., the Board returned to open session. Chair Daniels called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Vice-Chair Criswell made the motion to adjourn. Trustee Brown seconded the motion. The Motion Carried.

The meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m.

ATTEST: ___________________________________ Chairperson, Dr. Ray Daniels

___________________________________ Secretary, Dr. Greg Mosier

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Mission Statement: Inspire individuals & enrich our community one student at a time.

Vision Statement: Be a national leader in academic excellence & partner of choice in the

communities we serve.

Kansas City Kansas Community College Board of Trustees Budget Workshop Minutes

June 9, 2020

CONSENT AGENDA – Item A4 Meeting Minutes The Board of Trustees met virtually on Tuesday, June 9, 2020 on the KCKCC Microsoft Teams meeting platform. Members Present: Chairman Ray Daniels, Vice-Chairwoman Evelyn Criswell, Mr. Don Ash,

Ms. Rosalyn Brown, Ms. Pat Brune, Dr. Janice McIntyre and Ms. Linda Hoskins Sutton were present in the virtual meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Board Chair, Dr. Ray Daniels. Dr. Mosier introduced Mr. Michael Beach, Chief Financial Officer, to discuss the draft of the 2020-2021 Budget. Mr. Beach reviewed the following documents:

• Capital Outlay Fund Budget - Draft • Proposed Budget Draft

Dr. Mosier reviewed the upcoming topics for the Special Board meeting on Tuesday, June 16, 2020 to include the Neighborhood Revitalization Act. Chair Daniels called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Vice-Chair Criswell made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Brune seconded the motion.

The meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m. ATTEST: _____________________________________ Chairperson, Dr. Ray Daniels _____________________________________ Secretary, Dr. Greg Mosier

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Updated 06/04/20 Page 1 of 1

Recommendations for Payment

CONSENT AGENDA – Item B June 16, 2020

1) Approval in the amount of $26,720.26 to Aidex Corporation for Portable PLC Learning System software for the Advance Manufacturing program. Requested by Jerry Pope.

2) Approval in the amount of $30,000.00 to NurseTim Inc for virtual clinicals for Nursing students.

Requested by Jerry Pope.

3) Approval in the amount not to exceed $90,000.00 to Lenovo for replacement laptop computers and docking stations. Requested by Jerry Pope.

May bills totaling $2,468,733.43 includes April VISA bills of $50,675.50.

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Updated 06/04/20 Page 1 of 1

Items for Ratification

CONSENT AGENDA – Item C June 16, 2020

1. $24,320.00 to Lenovo Inc. for computer hardware. Requested by Peter Gabriel.

2. $11,754.16 to Kansas Lawn & Garden for May installment payment for Main Campus and Heritage

Garden. Requested by Michael Beach.

3. $14,285.15 to Rasmussen Air and Gas Energy Inc. for replacement parts for repairs at TEC. Requested

by Michael Beach.

4. $11,430.00 to Home Science Tools for Chemistry course supplies. Requested by Jerry Pope.

5. $23,276.90 to Martz Bros for snow removal services at Main Campus. Requested by Michael Beach.

6. $21,364.00 to K Building Specialists for insulation installation in Humanities Building. Requested by

Michael Beach.

7. $10,000.00 to C&C Group for Technical Education program upgrade. Requested by Jerry Pope.

8. $18,138.32 to MVP (McAnany, Van Cleave & Phillips) for 2/12th annual flat fee payment of $8,666.66

plus $759.00 total of itemized services in April and $46.00 total of itemized services in May. Requested

by Michael Beach.

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CONSENT AGENDA – Item D June 16, 2020




Resignation Bigelow, Thomas


PT Lab




Academic Affairs 06/30/2020

Resignation Clemons, Elliott Resident


Student Housing Student Affairs 05/31/2020

Resignation Consani, Angela Assistant



Biology Academic Affairs 08/01/2020

Resignation Enyart, Karleigh Resident


Student Housing Student Affairs 05/31/2020

Resignation Nelson, Kenneth Resident


Student Housing Student Affairs 05/31/2020

Resignation Nunez, Ruth Resident


Student Housing Student Affairs 05/31/2020

Resignation Olson, John Graduation and



Coordinator II

Registrar and


Student Affairs 06/05/2020

Resignation Winkfield, Sandra Technical


Admissions Student Affairs 05/27/2020

Retirement Patrick, Brian Assistant

Director of



Adult and



Academic Affairs 07/31/2020

Retirement Tesch, Robert Campus Police


Campus Police Financial &

Facility Services


Separation Kobialka, Thomas Grounds


Facility Services Finance and

Facility Services





Spillman, Janice




Vice President of

Academic Affairs




(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (20)

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New Hire Thaxton, Jordan Research Associate-

Mural Project







$15.00 per


Transfer – No

change in


Haynes, Chad Media Specialist Media




02/10/2020 $56,581.49


New Hire Lamb, Cheryl Administrative

Assistant I

Military and







06/01/2020 $17.788

per hour

Promotion Espeland, Baily Certified Nursing

Assistant (C.N.A.)-

182 Faculty





08/01/2020 $45,332.62


Transfer Johnson,


Financial Aid

Specialist I





06/01/2020 $33,293.00




Schelp, Sara Director of Trio TRIO Student






(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (21)

June 2020 Board Report KCKCC Academic Affairs


Academic Support and Assessment – Dean Cecelia Brewer

Dean Cecelia Brewer has been selected to serve on the 2021 Assessment Matters Conference Steering Committee. The conference is a gathering of assessment professionals and community college leadership from across the Midwest region. It will be held April 29-30, 2021 at Johnson County Community College.

Arts, Communication and Humanities – Interim Dean Dr. Aaron Margolis

Debate and Speech Team coaches will participate in an online debate tournament run by Missouri State University the weekend of June 5-7.

Head Coach/Speech Department Coordinator Darren Elliott participated in the National Debate Coaches Association Professional Development Conference. The online zoom-based conference brought together over 400 College and High School Speech and Debate Coaches.

Head Coach Darren Elliott will participate as a judge and recruiter during the upcoming National Speech & Debate Association’s High School Nationals which will be held virtually.

Dr. Justin Binek, Assistant Professor of Music, is a charter affiliated teacher with JazzVoice.org. The website connects students and teachers from around the world for online lessons in a variety of topics, with one of the key features being vocalist translators who can assist with language barriers. Established by renowned New York City jazz singer Alexis Cole, Dr. Binek is one of fifteen teachers affiliated with the site; others include Grammy-nominated jazz singers Jane Monheit, Karrin Allyson, and Cyrille Aimée, as well as internationally renowned performers and teachers like Dena DeRose, Jay Clayton, John Proulx, and others.

Studio art student, Jordan Thaxton, just received the position of Research Associate at KCKCC. With this position, she has united her love for art and cultural awareness.

Associate Professor of Music John Stafford was selected to be the 2020 Iowa Choral Directors Association - All-State Jazz Choir Director, for July 2020 at Iowa State University in Ames, IA. The event could possibly be cancelled, due to COVID-19.

Beginning in August 2020, John Stafford will serve a two-year term as the Contemporary/Commercial Music Chair of the Southwestern Division of American Choral Directors Association.

Career and Technical Education – Dean Chef Cheryl Runnebaum

KCKCC Instructors Mr. Chris Zeko, Building Engineering and Maintenance Technology, and Mr. Michael Florence, Commercial and Residential Equipment Technology, were both awarded a State Innovative Technology Internship grant. This grant provides career technical education faculty an opportunity to participate in an internship with business and industry partners for the purpose of upgrading knowledge and skills in their profession, vocation, or trade. The business

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June 2020 Board Report KCKCC Academic Affairs


and industry partner provides a one-to-one match, which can be in-kind, cash, or a combination of the two.

Mr. Zeko will intern at Westbrooke Glen Apartments in Shawnee Mission, KS. The state is awarding $3,000 for his proposal. Mr. Zeko plans to update his knowledge of residential building maintenance through the internship at an apartment complex operated by Axiom Property Management. The project will impact at least nine courses in the program, including Residential Plumbing, HVAC Maintenance, Appliance Maintenance. As a result of the internship, the instructor will update the program competencies and outcomes to match the latest industry standards. The Axiom Management Group is providing the required industry match by contributing the time and salary of the training personnel.

Mr. Florence will intern at Food Equipment Repair, Inc. in Kansas City, MO. The state is awarding $3,000 for his proposal. Mr. Florence will update his knowledge of industry standards and new regulations in equipment and appliance repair and learn about up-to-date safety precautions. The internship will be focused on commercial cooking and refrigeration equipment and will require installing, repairing, and removing commercial cooking equipment in restaurant and hospital settings. At least six core courses in the program will be impacted by this internship, including Cooking Equipment, Commercial Refrigeration, Steam Ovens/Fryers. Mr. Florence should work on approximately 60 units of commercial cooking or cooling equipment at many restaurants and businesses around the Kansas City Metro area during the internship. Food Equipment Repair, Inc. is providing the required industry match through commitment of a Lead Commercial Appliance Technician’s time and salary and tools necessary to perform the required duties. Photos below are from Mr. Florence’s intern activities.

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June 2020 Board Report KCKCC Academic Affairs


Recent Multimedia and Video Production graduates, Ms. Lynesha Martin, Mr. Robert Goodman, Mr. Thomas Stockman and Ms. Ja’tai Matthews, created “Caught off Guard” for the SkillsUSA CareerSafe Video Contest. The video has been selected as one of the 12 finalists in this national competition and is Finalist # 4. The video can be viewed at: https://www.careersafeonline.com/vote Ms. Lynesha Martin’s YouTube Channel, “Nesha’s Vibes,” continues to grow and recently surpassed 500 subscribers. Ms. Martin began working on the channel in Spring 2020. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7nRziOuM1yCMT1QGbzAPMw. After completing a class assignment on product reviews, Ms. Martin also received a note of appreciation from Thousandshores Inc, shown below.

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June 2020 Board Report KCKCC Academic Affairs


The KCKCC Adult and Continuing Education division administered Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE) for eligible students the last week of May. This is an opportunity to capture any last educational gains to be reported to Kansas Board of Regents by June 15.

On May 14, 2020, the KCKCC Adult and Continuing Education department was notified by Kansas Board of Regents that it would receive a grant of $432,610 from Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA), an increase of approximately $10,000 over FY20.

Ms. Donna Shawn, Technical Programs Director/Perkins Coordinator, received the “Non-traditional Outreach Grant” through KBOR in the amount of $18,800. The following is an expert of our explanation/description of the overall project:

“KCKCC plans to implement an outreach campaign that will employ a variety of marketing strategies in order to raise awareness of nontraditional careers for women and promote a message that they can be successful in a high-wage and in-demand career. This effort will target careers that are nontraditional for women; the targeted program areas have the lowest percentages of nontraditional students at KCKCC.

The areas to be targeted include Automotive Technology, Building Engineering & Maintenance Technology, Construction Technology, Electrical Technology, HVAC, Machine Technology, and Welding Technology. Project activities are to (1) advertise on two radio stations; (2) boost Facebooks ads for the KCKCC main campus page, the TEC page, and the Pioneer Career Center page; (3) advertise on YouTube; and (4) advertise on lnstagram.”

Health Professions – Dean Dr. Tiffany Bohm

The Nursing Education program completed a virtual pinning for both RN and PN graduates. The video was pre-recorded, and a link was sent to students so they could celebrate the

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June 2020 Board Report KCKCC Academic Affairs


accomplishment with their family and friends. If you would like to view the pinning, it may be found at: https://youtu.be/t60eQY_4IyE

Program faculty have worked hard to prepare for students to safely return to campus to complete requirements for spring lab and clinical activities.

Congratulations to Theresa Campbell (38yrs) and Mary Wishall (7yrs) on their retirements. Thank you for all you’ve done for KCKCC and nursing education in the state of Kansas!

Mathematics, Science, Business and Technology – Dean Dr. Ed Kremer

Professor Teri Huggins and Professor Kris Ball attended a two-day grant writing class presented by Grant Writing USA.

Ms. Lakshmy Sivaratnam, Professor of Business and Continuing Education, is the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) Region 5 Teaching Excellence Award recipient. Professor Sivaratnam was also nominated for a second term on ACBSP Board of directors.

The Campus Garden and the Cooper Foreman Heirloom Garden are donating food every Thursday to the Salvation Army Harbor Lights Kitchen Manager, Raymond Salmon.

Following CDC guidelines, Science Lab Manager Rebecca McGuirt is providing 70% alcohol for use in Allied Health, Chemistry, and Biology areas to disinfect labware and lab models.

Dr. Edward Kremer, Dean of Math, Science, Business and Technology, is serving on the El Centro Board of Directors and will chair the Finance Committee this next year.

The Saturday Academy, Summer Enrichment Day Camp (SEDC), will now be completely VIRTUAL! Program instructors are planning curricular materials to begin soon.

Social and Behavioral Sciences & Public Services – Dean Cleon Wiggins

Mr. Yan Chen, the K-Step Up Student Success Advisor, has developed a series of eight Q and A informational videos for students interested in the K-Step Up program. These videos address issues such as how to get started (if interested in the program) to answering financial aid questions while at KCKCC and at K-State. Students can provide feedback to Mr. Chen at the end of the videos, and their feedback is what Mr. Chen will use to create future videos.

Dr. Hira Nair, Professor and Secondary Education Coordinator, has worked Ms. Tami Bartunek, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives and Outreach, to ensure these videos are uploaded to several social media outlets.

Informational 1: What do I need to do if I'm interested in K-STEP UP? : Informational 2: How to check tuition balance and pay tuition?: Q and A Session 1: Do I need to apply for K-State as a K-STEP UP participant at KCKCC?

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June 2020 Board Report KCKCC Academic Affairs


Q and A Session 2: Does K-State have a GPA requirement before I can start the professional education program? Q and A Session 3: Can I use Financial Aid at K-State to pay for courses at KCKCC? Q and A Session 4: Are there scholarship opportunities at K-State? Q and A Session 5: What support will I receive at K-State University? Q and A Session 6: Where and how to get help when I'm at Kansas State University?

Professor Suzie Tousey, Associate Professor and Coordinator of Criminal Justicewas contacted by Ms. Victoria Maria Smutko, General Health Specialist from the VA in Los Angeles’ Emergency Preparedness Department, to determine if receiving KCKCC’s Certificate in Homeland Security can assist Ms. Smutko’s agency in preparing for emergencies. In the words of Ms. Smutko, “our group is currently working on developing training for VA staff, physicians, and nurses nationwide. Your Homeland Security Certificate program was listed in the FEMA website offering curriculum that would help suit our needs for developing such a program. I am gathering information from your program, specifically from your certificate program listed on your website and catalog…” Our homeland security program could be adopted by the Los Angeles VA emergency preparedness program; more to follow as Professor Tousey visits with Ms. Smutko.

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June 2020 STUDENT AFFAIRS - DR. DELFINA WILSON, VICE PRESIDENT OF STUDENT AFFAIRS The Student Affairs Division continues to serve students virtually and on campus. Student can refer to KCKCC COVID-19 webpage for contact information to make appointments. https://www.kckcc.edu/communications/covid19/covid19-contact.html For the safety of our students and employees, we will continue to screen all students and guests for fever or signs of COVID-19 at identified entry points, prior to being welcomed into college buildings. Below are the numbers for student check-ins at our different locations for 5/28 through 6/8. Locations MC PCC TEC Dates 6/8/20 Monday 197 17 145 6/5/20 Friday 79 15 33 6/4/20 Thursday 88 4 7 6/3/20 Wednesday 65 18 8 6/2/20 Tuesday 72 3 8 6/1/20 Monday 62 18 11 5/29/20 Friday 42 10 10 5/28/20 Thursday 62 8 11 5/27/20 Wednesday 61 5 7 5/26/20 Tuesday 54 10 12 5/25/20 Monday Holiday X X X 5/22/20 Friday 34 2 1 5/21/20 Thursday 14 2 3 5/20/20 Wednesday 38 0 1 5/19/20 Tuesday 41 0 3 5/18/20 Monday 79 4 3

KCKCC Covid-19 Student Relief Fund update The following funds have been awarded to students who have applied through May 22, 2020, end of Spring Semester Funding Source Number of Students Total Amount Federal Funds CARES Act 405 $338,000 KCKCC Foundation 66 $28,250

KCKCC Match 162 $112,250

TOTAL 571 - Unduplicated $478,500 We are now accepting SUMMER applications. The COVID-19 Student Relief funds are for limited emergency financial support to currently enrolled degree or certificate seeking students during the summer semester who are unable to meet essential expenses due to a temporary or unexpected hardship. Summer semester applications are due July 22, 2020 and will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, subject to approval and availability of funds. Decisions regarding disbursem*nt of funds are made on a case-by-case basis. The summer funds disbursem*nt process will commence after the summer semester Financial Aid Census Date - June 22.

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (28)

The maximum amount awarded may be up to $1,000 and is only awarded once per semester. The process to apply for the KCKCC COVID-19 Student Relief Fund is simple. To access the application go to: KCKCC COVID-19 Kansas City Kansas Community College, received education stabilization funds under Section 18004(a)(1) of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”), Public Law No: 116-136. The CARES Act was made to assist eligible students who have been impacted by an on-campus COVID-19 financial disruption. For details and consumer information about the KCKCC’s use of the funds under the CARES Act, visit: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Report Consumer Information. ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT – TINA CHURCH LEWANDOWSKI, INTERIM DEAN The Enrollment Management Team is back on campus, serving students face-to-face and virtually. Enrollment Report

• Summer 2020 enrollment comparison (June 8, 2020, compared to June 10, 2019) o Headcount is down -19.8% (a decrease of 401 students), and credit hours are down -12.1% (a

reduction of 1202 credit hours) for the summer 2020 semester.

Summer 2020 headcount comparison

Campus Headcount

06.08.2020 06.10.2019 Change # Change % Summer 2020 Summer 2019 MC 156 655 -499 -76.18% OC 1 OL 1,360 1,278 82 6.42%

PION 20 56 -36 -64.29% TEC 168 212 -44 -20.75%

USDB 32 -32 -100.00% Total 1,620 2,021 -401 -19.84%

Summer 2020 credit hour comparison


Credit Hours

06.08.2020 06.10.2019 Change # Change %

Summer 2020 Summer 2019

MC 526 2,115 -1,589 -75.13%

OC 3 OL 6,712 5,722 990 17.30%

PION 148 217 -96 -31.80%

TEC 1,301 1,712 -411 -24.01%

USDB 126 -126 -100.00%

Total 8,690 9,892 -1,202 -12.15%

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Summer 2020 student demographic data

Race/Ethnicity Summer 2020

Summer 2019 Change # Change

% Su. 20 -

% American Alaska

Native 10 15 -5 -

33.33% 0.62%

Asian 74 87 -13 -

14.94% 4.57% Black or African

American 346 434 -88 -

20.28% 21.36% Hawaiian Pacific

Islander 6 3 3 0.37%

Hispanic 300 362 -62 -

17.13% 18.52%

Multi-racial 91 111 -20 -

18.02% 5.62% Unknown 59 65 -6 -9.23% 3.64%

White 687 944 -257 -

27.22% 42.41% Non Resident 47 47 2.90%

• Fall 2020 enrollment comparison (June 8, 2020, compared to June 10, 2019)

o Headcount is down -33.36% (a decrease of 918 students), and credit hours are down -33.97% (a reduction of 8,662 credit hours) for the summer 2020 semester.

Institutional Research provided all enrollment data on 6/8/20. OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS – TINA CHURCH LEWANDOWSKI, INTERIM DEAN Personnel

• A top candidate for the Admissions Specialist I – Operator position declined the offer, and this position has been reposted.

• The Admissions Specialist II position has been sent to the cabinet for posting consideration. • The Admissions Recruiting Coordinator position has been posted.

Wyandotte High School Downtown location

• Conversations have begun with La Mega Radio am and 1250 La x to promote enrollment via live radio. • KCKCC Information is being distributed to WorkForce Partnerships. • Community meetings will be attended as availability is open.

SOAR Orientation

• Fall 2020 SOAR will be moved to a virtual format; the details are in progress.

High School Partnership Program • Fall enrollments are ongoing for Schlagle, Harmon, Wyandotte, and Bishop Ward High Schools. • Bonner, Basehor, and Leavenworth High Schools have requested to finish their enrollments at the

beginning of August. • High school enrollment is down overall due to complications with and lack of student response due to

COVID-19 situation. Based on conversations with high school counselors; we should see a major increase in high school enrollments by the end of the 3rd week of August.

International Affairs

• KCKCC’s F-1 status international students continue to struggle with unique challenges due to the global COVID-19 situation.

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o The majority of KCKCC’s F-1 status students face uncertainty about returning to KCKCC for Fall 2020 due to current Travel Restrictions on Brazil, China, the European Schengen Area, Iran, the Republic of Ireland, and the United Kingdom.

o Questions have been and continue to flood in regarding clarifications of Spring 2020 bills and balances, grades received in Spring 2020 classes, registration holds, enrolling in Summer and Fall 2020 classes, and – most of all – whether or not they will be able to return to the U.S. for Fall 2020.

• International applications doubled between April and May.

o Currently 33 total international applicants § 2 KCKCC F-1 status graduates applying for readmission

• 2 admitted § 18 new F-1 visa seeking applicants (outside of the U.S.)

• 9 admitted § 7 current F-1 students at other U.S. colleges/universities seeking to transfer-in to

KCKCC • 1 admitted

§ 6 holders of other visa types • 4 admitted

• The number of F-1 status international students attending KCKCC in Fall 2020 is anticipated to drop.

o While U.S. Consulates abroad are slowly beginning to reopen for limited services, new students are reporting that the earliest visa appointments available to them are at the end of August – after the Fall 2020 semester will have already begun.

o Continuing and new Travel Restrictions in Brazil, China, the European Schengen Area, Iran, the Republic of Ireland, and the United Kingdom prevent the majority of KCKCC’s prospective, new, and current international students from reentering the United States.

o It is unknown if the Travel Restrictions will be lifted in time to allow our international students from these areas to physically arrive at KCKCC for attendance in the Fall 2020 semester.

• Meetings with Student Housing and Athletics are on-going regarding when to reopen to international

students, the intake process for international students, and how to quarantine international students for the State required 14 days.

STUDENT SUCCESS CENTER, SHAY DODSON, INTERIM LEAD STUDENT SUCCESS ADVISOR, report submitted by Allison Burton All advising in the Student Success Center took place via phone, video chat, email, instant message, and text messaging for May from May 1 – May 17. In-person data reported only includes walk-ins that occurred between May 18-May 29. Advising Type


On-Campus Walk-In General Advising 22 0 2 On-Campus Walk-In Enrollment 36 2 15 Phone & Video Advising & Enrollment 266 37 26 Email Advising 1378 15 127 Email Enrollments 350 135 2 Recruiting 49 27 222 Reinstatement Appeal 1 1 1 Reverse Transfer 0 0 0 Financial Aid Exclusion Appeal 1 2 0 Graduation Check 11 8 1

TOTAL 2114 227 396

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Student Success Center General Inquiries

Appointment Requests + Outreach 149 Text Appt Sched - Larra + Gigi 224 Phone - Larra + Gigi 1019 TOTAL 1392 Online Advising Form Submissions ([emailprotected])

[emailprotected] general advising inquiries (not including replies) 115 Enrollments 13 TOTAL 198

WITHDRAWAL & DROP REASONS / ATTRITION: The Registrar's Office now forwards all processed online withdrawal forms to the advising team for student follow up & retention outreach. Updated 4/1/20 Attrition Reasons MAIN PION TEC 1. Fell behind/ can't catch up / failing course 24 2. Course no longer required (major change) 0 4. Family reasons 0 5. Childcare 0 6. Financial Difficulties 0 7. No Financial Aid 0 8. Physical Health concerns 4 9. Disliked Course Subject Matter 0 10. Mental Health Concerns 0 11. Personal 13 12. Time Management (Lack of Time) 4 13. Transferring 0 14. Work conflict 3 15. N/A - not disclosed 72 3 16. Instructor Concerns 0 17. Online Difficulties 0 18. Other – Chose not to Disclose Further Info 4 19. COVID-19 related 36




NR Full-term withdrawal / Retention Surveys Received 0 0 0

• Drops and withdrawal inquiries occur with an advisor via phone and email (for May). • Advisors do not process withdrawal forms but conduct withdrawal advising for any student

inquiring about withdrawing from a course; we advise them on the alternatives to withdrawal and consequences.

• Advisors follow up with each student who submits an online withdrawal form for retention and completion advising.

• Full-term withdrawal surveys are not required for students withdrawing from all of their courses in a single semester. We ask that students return these surveys to their advisor so we may collect attrition data and improve our services as a college, and report back to the Strategic Enrollment Planning & Retention Committee.

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LEAD ADVISOR REPORT Shay Dodson, Interim Lead Student Success Advisor – submitted by Allison Burton

• All advisors have been meeting with students on a daily (hourly) basis via Teams video chat and phone Mon-Fri 8 am-5 pm. Students who request later phone calls after 5 pm are accommodated. Students contacted advisors and SSC Admin Assistants consistently via phone, instant message, email, and text throughout May.

• We saw advising and enrollment phone/video appointment requests increase in mid to late May specifically for summer enrollment.

• Walk-in traffic for advising and enrollment from May 18 – May 31 has been low.


o Advisor Judith Appollis is conducting early alert outreach and contacts the student via their personal and student email addresses and any phone numbers on file. Judith did not receive any early alerts in the month of May.

• Withdrawal Outreach o Advisor Judith Appollis conducted Withdrawal outreach. The Registrar's Office sends us a copy

of the Online Withdrawal Form students submit via WebAdvisor. Judith reaches out to students via email and phone to offer retention and completion advising, encouraging students re-enroll in the course they withdrew from for Summer or Fall 2020, and to encourage progress and motivate the student toward degree or certificate completion. A total of 159 students received withdrawal support communication from the SSC in the month of May.

o Students who have responded to the Withdrawal or Early Alert outreach have been thankful for our care, concern, and assistance.

GRADUATION ADVISING • Graduation Checks took place via email, phone, and video chat using electronic PDFs graduation

forms. • Advisor Brady Beckman created a congratulatory video to 2020 KCKCC grads with compiled video

messages of support from the advising team. The video was shared on the SSC Facebook page.

RECRUITING & PROMOTING ENROLLMENT • Advisors Ashley Irvin, Lourdes Olivares-Baker, and Melissa Davis conducted recruitment calls to

prospective TEC students and new TEC admits for enrollment outreach. • Advisor Renee Gregory is working on recruitment and retention of new KC Scholars.


• Student Planning will replace the current WebAdvisor Class Schedule, Search for Sections/Register for Sections, and Degree Audit) Student Planning demo video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jbhiRxOWSI

• The ADVISE CRM (a Student Success, Early Alert, and Advising Case Management software) project will tentatively restart in June, with a technical kick-off and engagement workshops taking place virtually in July. ADVISE CRM info https://www.ellucian.com/solutions/ellucian-crm-advise Features: improve advisee communications with personalized outreach, assign advisors to specific students, student goal-setting and performance tracking, increased advisor-to-student engagement and faculty/staff visibility for improved retention, Twilio text messaging, track and record early alerts, identify and prioritize high-risk students


• Advisor Allison Burton will begin working with the Assessment team on Co-Curricular Assessment Group #2 in early June. Student Success Center Learning Outcomes will be complete and submitted by June 5.

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• Worked with students that are graduating in May with interviewing strategies. • Continue to have mock interviews over the phone using Face-Face technology to help students, also

assist in building students' confidence in their skills. • Talked to students about how to navigate in classic interviews. • Doing follow up with a student that is taking the Career Assessment, discovering a career for the first

time. Then explored how to move from KCKCC to KU by setting up a network with advisors. • Continued working with alumni who were a graduate from KCKCC in 2009 to find employment. • Working on understanding and using CAS (Council for the Advancement of Standards) on Zoom

Meetings. STUDENT FINANCIAL AID OFFICE– MARY DORR, DIRECTOR Financial Aid Applications Received as of June 9

Academic Year Total Number of Records Records Received in May 2019-2020 10,629 151 2018-2019 13,252 211 2017-2018 13,537 308

Financial Aid Disbursed to Student Accounts as of June 9

FALL SPRING TOTAL 2019-2020 $6,144,207 $5,592,720 $11,736,927 2018-2019 $6,940,875 $6,160,242 $13,101,117 2017-2018 $7,387034 $6,450,554 $13,837,588

*Does not include third party payments or KCKCC Foundation Scholarships 2020-2021 Financial Aid Processing as of June 9 Academic Year Number of FAFSAs Received Number of Students Awarded 2020-2021 4869 2734

2020 Spring Satisfactory Progress Calculated Satisfactory academic progress was reviewed for students who received federal financial aid for the Spring 2020. A two-year comparison is documented below semester resulting in the following: SAP Status Spring 2019 Spring 2020

“Warning” – completion rate below 66% and /or GPA below 2.0



“Exclusion” – completion rate below 66% and/or GPA below 2.0 after a warning status



“Exclusion” – attempted over 97 credit hours. 100


No More Aid” – students have appealed and did not complete approved appeal conditions



Students were notified by U.S. Mail and through their student e-mail and given the information on how to appeal.

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TESTING SERVICES – FAITH MOODY, TESTING SPECIALIST Total Placement Tests This Semester Spring 2020 Spring 2019 Spring 2018

1178 2375 1924

May Placement Test sessions Year Main

Campus PCC TEC High

Schools Distance Education


May 2020 41* 2 1 22 0 66 May 2019 200 39 28 726 5 998

May 2018** 290 30 38 253 2 613

*Placement testing was very sparse this month due to COVID-19. 31 of the students who tested at the main campus did so virtually over ZOOM. I exchanged emails 521 times, during May 2020, discussing course placement with students and high school counselors. **2018 are ACCUPLACER Classic tests. The other years are ACCUPLACER Next Generation tests. May Developmental Numbers Year Test Sessions for: Reading

Placement Composition Placement

Math Placement


May 2020** # Administered 49 54 25 66


35 41 12 47

% Developmental 71% 76$ 48$ 71%

May 2019 # Administered 717 792 486 998

Developmental 392 527 185 626

% Developmental 55% 67% 62% 63%

May 2018 # Administered 451 487 401 613

Developmental 285 307 288 464

% Developmental 63% 63% 72% 76%

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (35)

REGISTRATION AND RECORDS – THERESA HOLLIDAY, REGISTRAR Verification Services Clearinghouse Enrollment or Degree Verifications U.S. Office of Personnel Mgmt.

• Enrollment Verifications: 4 Student Requests

• Online: 2 • Loan Deferments: • Letter of non-attendance: 2 • Respiratory Therapy licensure forms: 3

Student Record Services

• FERPA forms: • Admissions edit checks: 2 • Information Updates

o In-person: 11 o On-line 129 o Web-Obtained 9 o Quarantine Email 5 o Name changes with applications: 16

• Major Changes o In-Person: 126 o On-line 2

• Grade Changes: 75 • Exception Requests: 4 • Residency

o In-state to Metro: 2 o Veterans/Military In State – o Out of State to Metro: 3

• Address Correspondence o Return Mail: 6

Transcript Services

• Unofficial: 2 • Processed Incoming Official Transcripts

o Student records email: 10 o Parchment 93 o Clearinghouse, mail, in-person 330

• Processed Outgoing transcripts o In house: 32 o Ellucian: 11 o Perceptive Content: 2 o Fax: 19 o Parchment

§ Electronic 723 § Paper: 56

• Withdrawal Processing o Online Student Requests: 91 o High School withdrawals: 55 o Students Administratively Withdrawn: 145

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Schedule Adjustment Services High School: 9 Tuition Appeals: 2 No Show Students: 89

Reinstatements After No-Show processing: 4 (total by class) After Withdrawal Processing: 20 (total by class)

Graduation Services

Degree Checks processed:

• May 2020: 451 (22 more than last month) • Summer 2020: 123 (8 more than last month) • Fall 2020: 5 (3 more than last month)

Degrees and Certificates Conferred

• 83 – May 2020 graduates • 5 – Backdated graduate

Co-Curricular Activities

• There was an influx of address issues from students submitting applications for re-admission to KCKCC. Those students had two addresses reflected with the same move-in dates; some addresses were in different states.

• After An'Drienna created the Graduation Regalia Order Form, she collaborated with the Bookstore to ensure orders were placed – including international orders and issues with the manufacturer not able to provide plus size 1-3 gowns. As of May 31, 2020, there were 193 caps and gowns ordered.

• Theresa and An'Drienna set-up the Registrar's Office printed signs for the campus entry/exit doors on May 14 for the May 18 return to work.

• Theresa and An'Drienna attended the CORE meeting virtually. • Susan and Cynthia assisted in the Student Success Center all day on May 18th and 19th. • Susan assisted at the front desk triage desk checking in students on May 19th, 20th, and 27th. • Registrar's Office prepared for the college's virtual graduation on May 21, 2020.

o Ensured that graduation webpage was updated o Assured that the Virtual Graduation page was created o Created the Virtual Graduation Plan o Launched the online graduation application o Initiated the Board of Trustees, Staff and Faculty congratulations initiative o Created mock scripts for the virtual graduation as requested. o Gathered the graduation program information to Randy Royer in Media Services and

With Kim Lutgen in the print shop § Student names § Faculty list § Staff list § Letter from Dr. Mosier § Honors Program Graduates, Phi Theta Kappa, Military, National Technical Honor

Society and others • Theresa shared information regarding Repeating C grades, the re-take policy, the maximum

number of times a course can be taken, and the like. • Theresa and An'Drienna assisted Lindsey Bruns, High School Partnership Coordinator II, with

high school enrollment "clean-ups" and last-minute withdrawals. • An'Drienna and Theresa checked-in transcripts received in the Student Records and Registrar


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• Assisted Anita in Admissions with reviewing and understanding institutional research edit check requests ensuring that accurate data is reported to the Kansas Board of Regents.

• An'Drienna Re-created department forms as fillable PDF's. • An'Drienna and Theresa assisted several faculty members with using the administrative

withdrawal, student reinstatement, and the grade change forms. • Participated in the Student Activities Let's Talk Show discussing Graduation and Transcript

information on May 6. • An'Drienna assisted with working the Waitwhile, attending the introduction meetings, and set-

up the Registrar's Office page. Susan and Cynthia attended two meetings virtually. An'Drienna also contacted the representative Shelley Lewis to ensure the virtual meetings were set and to receive information on how the Waitwhile system worked for KCKCC Student Affairs Division.

• An'Drienna created the Registrar's Office Daily Log Sheet on May 8. • Susan and An'Drienna assisted Jerrica with changing majors for students with backdated

degrees to ensure they were a part of the virtual ceremony. • Susan Pedroza's daughter Teresa Pedroza graduated from Johnson County Community College

on May 22. • An'Drienna assisted her staff with completing their self-evaluations during the stay at home

order. • An'Drienna assisted Sara Schelp with closing out the semester of TRIO students with questions

on May 11. • Susan and Cynthia attended the KCKCC college nurse's temperature taking for triage on May

14. • An'Drienna, Susan, and Cynthia updated their voicemails and the Registrar's office voicemail

before • An'Drienna, Theresa, Jerrica, and John attended the Virtual Graduation meeting on May 8. • Theresa and An'Drienna assisted the Interim Dean of Enrollment Management with reviewing

"Exception Request Forms" from students that are asking for special requests or assistance. • Jerrica, Susan, Cynthia, and An'Drienna were featured in the Community College Daily

American Association of Community Colleges article introducing KCKCC's comeback plan. o https://www.ccdaily.com/2020/05/a-kansas-colleges-comeback-plan/

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Graduation Regalia Order Info


• At the beginning of the month, the PCC staff continued to serve students remotely with phone calls, emails, and communications.

• 5/4/20 Marcia Irvine participated with the Strategic Enrollment Management Planning committee and the Pandemic Committees

• 5/7-8/20 Marcia Irvine completed the KCCLI remotely, using Zoom. Thank you again for this great opportunity.

• 5/12/20 Teams are meeting to discuss returning and opening. • 5/13/20 Comeback plan meeting and Chat with Prez • 5/18/20 Marcia Irvine met with the Merit Task Force Committee. • 5/18/20 We opened the PCC to serve our students in person with all the precautions in place. • 5/19/20 Marcia Irvine participated in the Second Chance Pell initial Zoom meeting. • 5/25/20 C.N.A and C.M.A. students came into the building and completed their clinical

requirements for Spring classes. • 5/28/20 Marcia Irvine participated in the Leavenworth County United Way Board meeting.

DISCIPLINARY BARRACKS and JOINT REGIONAL CORRECTIONAL FACILITY JRCF • Most classes at JRCF were completed with teachers sending in assignments and then the office of

the academic at prison returning completed assignments through email. The accounting will be completed this summer.

USDB • Some classes were able to finish, Composition and History will be completed this summer when we


• Though the Veteran Center itself is closed due to Corvid-19, the staff continues to provide services remotely to KCKCCs Military Affiliated student population. The Center is working with VA representatives to ensure our students using VA Educational benefits have the latest information to allow them to make informed decisions. The Veterans Center is maintaining contact with students through emails, phone, and social media platforms. The Veteran Center has hired a Certifying Specialist and Administrative Assistant. Both will start on June 1.

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Veteran Center Visitors AY18-19 AY19-20

August 281 September 48 313

October 185 307 November 132 245 December 105 124 January 189 173 February 218 216

March 159 101 April 209 0 May 104 0 June 56 July 74 Total

Total 1479 1760 3239

Branch of Service

Army 1668 51%

Maines 609 19%

Navy 273 8%

Air Force 397 12%

Coast Guard 6 1%

N/A 287 9%

Total 3239

Type of Visitor

Active Duty 517 16%

Veteran 1833 57%

Military/Veteran Dependent 587 18%

Civilian 303 9%

Total 3239 Reason For Visit

Study 859 27%

Socialize 1070 33%

Benefits Question 435 14%

Enroll & Application Questions 191 6%

Computer Use 414 13%

Other 271 8%

Total 3239

Students Using VA Educational Benefits

Term Certified Number of Certs submitted

Hours Certified

Amount certified

SP19 170 Not tracked $199,002,00 SU19 75 Not tracked $40,524.00 FA19 173 1542 $195,060.00 SP 20 (as of 18 May) 150 1653 $202,332.00 SU 20 (As of 4 Jun) 26 141 $16,859.00

May Events:

• The Military Appreciation Dinner planned for May 7 was canceled. The Center will host a Welcome Back event during the Fall semester.

• The Veterans Center reopened on May 28. • The Hiring Process for the Certifying Specialist and Administrative Assistant was completed, and

Sara Comer (Cert Specialist) and Cheryl Lamb (Admin Assistant) will start on June 1. June Events:

• None Planned

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DEAN OF STUDENTS SERVICES EVENTS • Participated in final KCCLI session virtually • Series of Teams / Zoom meetings to discuss the following areas:

o Student Services virtual services and plans for returning to campus o HLC Assessment Academy o Co-Curricular Assessment (As Lead-Co-Chair) o Student complaint o Final Title IX report o Student Affairs Division meeting o Dean’s Council o Merit Leave Task Force o New Student Housing building process o Closing of TRIO grant and the continuation of services o Individual meetings with Student Services department heads

Many of these meetings happened multiple times throughout the month COUNSELING & ADVOCACY CENTER- LINDA WARNER, DIRECTOR This may not seem like a lot of activity but as of May 11, 2 of the 3 employees in our office were out through the end of the month. As the last one standing, I can report it has been a very busy month. Linda

• Counseled Students Online and by Phone • Provided consultation and referral to employees • Completed 2019-2020 Student Learning Outcomes report • Completed supervision and final documentation for our UMKC Student Counseling Intern • Advised the OQS Diversity Club and Active Minds Chapter • Participated in Co-Curricular Assessment meeting • Participated in Employee Recognition meeting • Attended Staff and College Senate • Attended joint meeting of BOT and College Senate and presented a report from Staff Senate • Attended Extended Cabinet meetings • Attended Chat with the Prez • Attended the End of Week Debrief meeting • Attended Kansas City Kansas Housing Authority meeting • Facilitated meeting of Drug Free Schools and Community Act committee • Led meetings of the Behavioral Intervention Team • Attended Division meetings • Held Staff meeting and Supervision

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Students Requesting Accommodations:

Disability MAY

2020 MAY 2019

MAY 2018

Autism Spectrum Disorder 9 2 4 Attention Deficit Disorder 27 15 25 Blind/Visual Impairment 9 5 2 Deaf/Hard of Hearing 4 1 4 Head Injury 3 3 6 Intellectual Disability 2 0 0 Learning Disability 63 21 19 Medical 7 7 6 Physical 5 3 4 Psychiatric 13 12 21 Other Health Impaired (OHI) 2 0 0 Total 144 69 91

Narrative Activities:

• Carly worked with five high school counselors to allow 12th grade students to keep their high school electronic devices in order to complete their TEC programs.

• Carly assisted an instructor with setting up reoccurring zoom meetings so his students with disabilities could access his online lectures and classes.

• Carly met with TEC instructors, advisors and job placement coordinator regarding having safety precautions and measures in place for high school students when they return in the Fall.

• Alex and Robert presented for a Student Activities “Let’s Talk” session which is webcast for all students to view. They explained the services available through Student Accessibility and Support Services.

• Robert continues to serve on the Learning Spaces Taskforce. He also participates on both the technology and lab subgroups of the taskforce.

• Robert participated on the Accessibility Summer Camp Planning Committee. • Robert participated on the Accessing Higher Ground Planning Committee. • Robert was the guest on a podcast being produced by the students at the Kansas State School for

the Deaf and Blind. • Robert, Carly, Alex and Sherri met weekly. • Robert, Sarah and Alex met to discuss strategies to promote Glean on campus. • Robert and Alex participated in the Student Affairs Student division meeting. • Robert and Alex participated in the Student Services division meeting.


• Continued the KCKCC Weekly Calendar with all the activities, updates, and club meetings sent to all campus email, blackboard, and the KCKCC Student Senate Facebook page

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• Hosted daily the Student Activities Let’s Talk Show via Zoom and the KCKCC Student Senate Facebook Live page.

o There were approximately 50 shows hosted: Wake Up, Mid-Day Check In, and Late-Night Check In.

o 30-45 minutes for each show o Guests on the show: Weekly Check In’s, Student Accessibility and Support Services, First

Generational College Students, Registrar’s Office, Graduation updates/discussion, Real Talk, Weekend Activities guide, the History of KCKCC Summer Series

• Hosted Facebook Live discussions structured around motivation, success, finishing strong for our students – similar to the Student Leadership Institute (Roger/Andrica)

o Operation Reset – Weekly o “We Got the Zoom Up” study rooms o Wake Up & Shake Up the World Morning Motivations o Talk to the Boss – Weekly discussions with supervisors and business owners

• Assisted with Graduation as needed

• KCKCC Facebook Statistics o May 04th – May 30th

§ 6121 Reached (Down 22%) § 3016 Post Engagements (up 14%)

§ 448 Page Views (up 14%) § 4832 Video views (up 25%)

• Hosted Operation Reset – 3 discussions hosted on the KCKCC Student Senate Facebook Live • Hosted study rooms via zoom • Hosted a Zoom Check-In:

o Since the start of this pandemic, students and FBOE members have reached out for aid or just to let us know how things were going in their lives

• Posted Graduation Student Photo Recognition o 330 students have submitted photos o Working on graduate picture frames around KCKCC (see picture)

• Completed Student Activities resource information for the Student Services Strategic Plan work group

• Developing a New “Weekly Calendar” for Fall 2020 • Developing a Fall 2020 KCKCC Blue Devil Showcase magazine

o Clubs are working on the club description and photos • Continue the weekly calendar for departments, clubs, and student activities events: posted

weekly via blackboard, social media, and email • Researching/Planning intramurals for FY 20/21 • Planning 20/21 Activities (Both on campus and virtual)

o First 12 Days @ KCKCC o Welcome Back Bash

• Planning the Annual Student Senate Leadership Retreat for June 19-21 o Local retreat (no overnight)

• Planning the Spring 2020 NSLS Virtual Induction STUDENT HOUSING – RONNIE MOORE, HOUSING SUPERVISOR

Student Housing Status: • Currently

o (2) students remaining in housing in bldg. # 7, § 1 KCKP

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Application Update:

• Athletes Application: 88

RA Staff Meeting/Training: • RA’s Return

o Aug. 10, • Training Aug

o 10 – 12

Upcoming/On-Going Activities/Projects: • KCKCC Facility disposal old furniture

o Bldg. 7 on May 29 o Bldg. 8, June 1

• Marc Caplan with Leeder Furniture with start assemble new furniture June 5, 2020

o 30 Beds o 60 Dressers

Interpersonal & Intrapersonal Competence – Social Engagement

• May 4, 2020 Strategic Enrollment Mgmt. Planning team meeting • May 6, 2020 Housing Specialist I interviews (3) • May 12, 2020 Co-Curricular team meeting • May 12, 2020 interaction with CastleBranch on housing verification payment documents added

and edited • May 26 - 30, 2020 disposal of old furniture from housing • May 26, 2020 Strategic Enrollment hosted by Megan • May 26, 28 ordered keys duplicates

Daily/Weekly Activity

• Mail Distributions • Building - Preventative Maintenance and Safety/Maintenance Request • Update - Housing Application, Payments

STUDENT HEALTH CENTER-KIM LELAND, NURSE Due to COVID-19 the regular format for Student Health Services monthly report has changed. Half of the month was spent virtual and half of the month was on campus.

The first half of the month was working with students who actively had COVID. Assisting them in getting the healthcare needed. As well as, working with students who need to get their TB testing done for removal of holds placed on their accounts.

The second half of the month:

• I have assisted in the opening of the campus. A group of individuals from different departments worked to set up for the opening on May 18th. The streamline design assisted students and employees get to work safely. Working the front desk the first week, I heard individuals say that it was set up well and they felt better with what was in place.

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• Working with the Housing work group to recognize what is needed and how to implement the

opening of housing possibly in the fall. Several questions being posed to assist in making housing safe for our students.

• Continued work with American College Health Association (ACHA) to find new information that could benefit our campus and students.

• Assist students in their TB needs for the allied health classes by scheduling for testing. As well as, working with students who answered yes on their admission application.


• TRIO SSS is serving 149 students for AY 2019-20: o 106 First-Gen & Low-Income o 27 First-Gen only o 11 Low-Income Only o 2 Disabled Only o 17 Low-Income w/ Disability.

• 10 TRIO SSS students graduated December 2019 • 14 TRIO SSS students graduated May 2020 • 3 TRIO SSS students are expected to graduate July 2020 • TRIO SSS currently has 36 students enrolled for the summer semester (24% increase as compared

to the 2019 summer semester)

Grant Updates • TRIO SSS is putting the necessary processes in place in order to successfully close out the grant by

August 31st and submit the final report to the Department of Education

Activities & Events • TRIO SSS hosts weekly virtual meetings open to all TRIO students • TRIO SSS posted a virtual slideshow on the TRIO SSS Blackboard page celebrating our TRIO

graduates from the FA19, SP20, & SU20 semesters. • Kati Venneman is currently completing a professional development course to hone her teaching

skills in writing. • Marquida Johnson attended the Files Calls and Chats in MS Teams training on May 1st. • Sara Schelp sat on the interview committee for the Campus Police Officer positions on May 5th and

May 6th. • Marquida Johnson attended the Student Services Strategic Plan Group 1 meeting on May 7th. • Sara Schelp attended the Looking Towards Fall: Anticipating Trends & Creating Paths for Student

Success webinar on May 8th. • Sara Schelp attended the May Staff Senate Meeting on May 11th. • Sara Schelp attended The Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education: Preparing for the Changing

Landscape & Economic Consequences webinar on May 12th. • Sara Schelp and Marquida Johnson attended the Chat with the Prez – The Blue Devils Comeback

Plan & Updates on May 13th.

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• Marquida Johnson and Molly Fisher began working at the triage table at the student entrance the week of May 18th.

• The entire TRIO staff attended the Virtual Graduation Ceremonies on May 21st. • Sara Schelp attended the Stakeholder Call for Institutes of Higher Education on May 29th.

ATHLETICS – ANTHONY TOMPKINS, DIRECTOR COVID19: Following the NJCAA Board of Regents meeting on June 19, 2020, the NJCAA will make an official statement on the fall sports season, health and safety recommendations, and the process of moving forward in response to COVID-19. The KJCCC also made a recommendation to the Presidents to look into a 10% reduction in contests (for 2020-2021 only) so that all schools within the conference are on a level playing field with anticipated budget challenges. BLUE DEVIL SCRAMBLE: The KCKCC Athletic Department will be hosting a golf scramble on Friday, August14, 2020 at Dub’s Dread Golf Course (1pm shotgun start). If you or someone you know may be interested in supporting or participating please contact [emailprotected] or register on EventBrite. ACADEMICS: The student-athletes did another great job in taking care of their academic responsibilities through this challenging time. We had a few that struggled with the change to online learning, but overall, they did extremely well. The coaching staff did fine work in staying in touch with their teams and helping athletes navigate the obstacles they were facing. The overall GPA of the Student-Athletes was 3.22 for the Spring 2020 semester, when you include managers, we were at 3.17. We will also have a good number of student-athletes along with some teams earn academic honors (which will be shared in next month’s report).

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Strategic Initiatives and Outreach

Tami Bartunek Vice President

Dana Sambol Executive Assistant Kim Lutgen Printshop Manager Taylor Bolls Graphic Designer

Joy Cicero Production Assistant Kelly Rogge Public Information Manager

Matt Fowler Web Designer Omar Brenes Web Architect

Strategic Initiatives

• Worked with Donna Shawn, Cheryl Runnebaum, and Kelly Rogge to provide information for a Non-Traditional marketing grant application through Perkins. Very excited to share that we were awarded $18,000 to be used in marketing of Technical programs specifically; auto tech, building engineering and maintenance tech, construction tech, electrical tech, HVAC, machine tech, and welding tech. Thank you Donna for preparing the application and winning for KCKCC!

• Chair a county wide return to higher education sub-committee to help create process and guidelines for a safe return of high school students to college in the fall. Members of the subcommittee include superintendents, principals, health department, high school facilitators, VPAA, and other individuals as needed who have targeted knowledge to help the group.

• Worked with Omar Brenes, Matt Fowler, Jerry Pope, Delfi Wilson to review the website and create a more streamline process for students to access necessary instructions and information. Out of our meetings, we determined to create a new “student resources” tab to provide information about: student services, student activities, how to access email, and how to access webadvisor, etc. This approach will provide needed information all in one convenient location. This change was spurred from a “suggestion box comment” that the Extended Cabinet voted to follow up on.

• Participated in a virtual congressional forum meeting with representative Davids. She provided CV-19 updates and helped to direct community members to requested resources.

Virtual Graduation Report Website Spring 2020 Virtual Graduation Webpage Pageviews

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May 20 – 451 May 21 (Day of Graduation) – 2,799 May 22 – 258 Livestreams YouTube Virtual Graduation Livestream 939 Unique Views Vimeo Virtual Graduation Livestream 1,000 Views 2,122 Impressions Videos Congrats Graduates from Faculty 161 Views Congrats Graduates from Staff 194 Views Congrats Graduates from Board of Trustees 190 Views Congrats Graduates Abridged (Short) Video 165 Views Facebook Congrats Graduates from Faculty 1,018 People Reached 28 Reactions, Comments & Shares 318 3-Second Video Views 164 10-second video views 184 minutes viewed Congrats Graduates from Staff 1,207 People Reached 25 reactions, comments & shares 392 3-second video views 186 10-second video views 272 minutes viewed Congrats Graduates from Board of Trustees 2,219 People Reached 118 reactions, comments & shares 775 3-second video views 284 10-second video views 308 minutes viewed

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (48)

Virtual Graduation Livestream – 2 p.m. 15,570 People Reached 1,225 reactions, comments & shares 5,268 3-second video views 2,493 10-second video views 14,612 minutes viewed 163 Peak Live Viewers Virtual Graduation Livestream – 7 p.m. 4,991 People Reached 324 reactions, comments & shares 2,018 3-second video views 964 10-second video views 6,377 minutes viewed 86 Peak Live Viewers It’s Graduation Day Blue Devils Post 3,423 People Reached 434 reactions, comments & shares Less than two hours Post 2,255 People Reached 105 reactions, comments & shares

Social Media Metrics







March April May

Twitter Followers









March April May

Facebook Likes

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (49)

We believe the reduced impressions can be attributed to the lack of activities happening on campus compared to last year.







March April May

Facebook Post Reach





March April May

Twitter Impression




March April May

Instagram Followers

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (50)

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General Website Information

• The new Morgue website was officially launched this month. The new design makes it easier to update and improve.

• The Student Resources page is being reworked to better serve our students that are looking for information such as technical support, email support and what student services are available to them.

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Top Webpages for May 2020

Webpage Pageviews

Degree / Certificate Webpage 41,170 Technology Support 22,094 Class Schedule 17,349 Steps to Enrollment 10,370 Transcripts 9,419



121,415 121,000








(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (56)






Student Housing Project – Received 9 proposal submissions. The evaluation team has

completed the initial evaluation and top submitters have scheduled interviews.

College Facilities Master Plan – Continuing to prepare agreement and a September on

campus start date.

Draft Budget for FY2020-21 has been prepared and discussed with the Board. Draft

Budget will continue to be reviewed, modifications made, and presented for

consideration by the Board in the July Board of Trustees Meeting.

Draft Capital Projects Budget for FY2020-21 has been prepared and discussed with the


Draft Strategic Priorities List for FY2020-21 continues through the prioritization review

process by President’s Cabinet and Extended Cabinet.

Various remodel and Learning Spaces projects continue ahead of schedule. Jeff Sixta

has compiled a list of various projects, most of which are smaller, that the College would

like to have accomplished by the start of Fall Semester.

Facilities Services employees, especially custodial staff continue their great efforts in

disinfecting our buildings at all locations. There is an emphasis on high traffic areas;

electrostatic fogging used in classrooms and high volume areas primarily in student

services nightly, complete disinfecting of restrooms multiple times a day, as well as

wiping down high-touch areas, doors, handles, and fixtures also multiple times each


The police department continues to assist with the occasional community drive-through

COVID-19 testing station at the Thomas Burke TEC location. They are instrumental in

assisting in the organization, and monitoring of these testing events. Everett Fletcher

and Sheridan Smith are also key in assisting in scheduling these and assisting on-site

during the event.

The Finance team has developed processes to assist more students to transition to the

formal payment plan option. As part of these processes, a 30 day deferral of tuition

payments has been implemented for Summer and Fall Semesters to ease the initial cost

of enrollment. These modifications have been made to assist students during this time,

while increasing the potential of enrollments.

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (57)



We have started selling books for summer.

We partnered with the Registrar’s Office on the cap and gown disbursem*nt. We handled the inventory and all of the shipping for the orders; no cost on the shipping to students.

We have been manning a drive-through out in front of the Jewell building 3 days a week

for students to return their rentals.

o For students who do not wish to make a trip to campus, the bookstore has partnered with USPS to allow an easy return of students’ rental books at no cost to them.

o We have been disinfecting the books coming back.



Continue upper Humanities remodel – Learning Spaces Improvement Initiative

Coordinating the Humanities air handlers replacement with contractor

Working on lower Humanities remodel

Spraying ceiling with K13 and painting walls of band room

Repaired all exhaust fans on rooftops

Upgraded HVAC at Lodge by the Lake

Assisted with COVID-19

Pulled 80 new data lines for upper Humanities remodel

Started repairs for City to baseball press box

Cleaned ac coils across campus

Painting the Wellness Center

Goals for next month:

Continue with Humanities remodel upper and lower

Complete painting of the band room

Paint concrete walls in preparation for art work

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (58)




Secured gates at the track May 18 due to Stay At Home Order Phase 1 being lifted and

the reopening of KCKCC. 33 new Track passes were made from May 18 to May 31. It

should be noted that there was no damage reported during the time of having the

gates open

Hosted virtual interviews for 6 open Police Officer positions

Worked with WYCO Emergency Management and other suppliers to secure PPE for

KCKCC Police Officers

Worked with Wyandotte County Health Department for COVID-19 testing at TEC May 27

Participated with Chiefs of Police and Wyandotte County officials on weekly COVID-19

planning discussions

Store, manage, and coordinate the College inventory of PPE and supplies

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (59)


YTD Year-End

FY2020 FY2019


Current Assets 23,855,506$ 33,159,395$

Noncurrent Assets 53,131,601 56,200,604

Total Assets 76,987,107$ 89,359,999$


Current Liabilities 7,770,648$ 13,930,479$

Noncurrent Liabilities 21,721,260 21,721,260

Total Liabilities 29,491,908 35,651,739

Net Position 47,495,199 53,708,260

Total Liabilities and Net Position 76,987,107$ 89,359,999$

YTD FY2020 Annual Annual YTD FY2019 Percent

Actual Budget Variance Actual

Used Actual to


Operating Revenues 23,153,375$ 27,315,064$ (4,161,689)$ 24,949,027$ 84.76%

Non-Operating Revenues, Net 33,554,806 57,959,925 (24,405,119) 31,642,999 57.89%

Total Revenues 56,708,181 85,274,989 (28,566,808) 56,592,026 66.50%

Operating Expenses 65,510,808 80,812,679 15,301,871 67,669,674 81.07%

Increase/(Decrease) in Net Positions (8,802,627)$ 4,462,310$ (13,264,937)$ (11,077,648)$


Summary Statement of Revenue Expenses and Changes in Net Position

Summary Statement of Net Position


Interim Summary Financial Statements -May 2020

Year to Date Fiscal Year 2020, with comparison to Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2019

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (60)



2020 5/31/2020 2020 5/31/2019 TO BUDGET TO BUDGET

Operating Revenues:

Student Tuition and Fees 12,612,000$ 11,513,294$ 11,531,000$ 12,155,600$ (1,098,706)$ 91.29%

Federal Grants and Contracts 10,512,298 8,472,646 10,375,000 9,100,567 (2,039,652) 80.60%

State Contracts 568,026 433,726 568,026 435,874 (134,300) 76.36%

Private Gifts, Grants & Contracts 275,000 263,000 263,000 195,911 (12,000) 95.64%

Auxiliary Enterprise Revenue 2,972,125 2,287,794 2,422,600 2,058,762 (684,331) 76.98%

Other Operating Revenue 375,615 182,915 202,700 1,002,313 (192,700) 48.70%

Total Operating Revenues 27,315,064 23,153,375 25,362,326 24,949,027 (4,161,689) 84.76%

Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses)

County Property Taxes 43,835,925 22,053,998 43,835,925 20,754,737 (21,781,927) 50.31%

State Aid 10,365,001 10,365,001 10,365,001 10,176,495 - 100.00%

SB155 AID 3,534,999 1,786,601 3,534,999 1,504,395 (1,748,398) 50.54%

Investment Income 250,000 224,403 240,000 170,200 (25,597) 89.76%

Interest Expense on Capital Asset Debt (876,000) (875,197) (860,000) (962,828) 803 99.91%

Transfer from Capital Reserves 850,000 850,000 - (850,000) 0.00%

Total Nonoperating Revenues 57,959,925 33,554,806 57,965,925 31,642,999 (24,405,119) 57.89%

Total Revenues 85,274,989 56,708,181 83,328,251 56,592,026 (28,566,808) 66.50%

Operating Expenses:

Salaries & Benefits 45,704,930 38,186,167 42,643,900 39,158,893 (7,518,763) 83.55%

Contractual Services 2,012,975 1,600,409 1,851,600 1,777,833 (412,566) 79.50%

Supplies & Other Operating Expenses 11,564,727 9,822,523 10,596,900 9,059,554 (1,742,204) 84.94%

Utilities 2,077,855 1,586,649 1,780,525 1,824,045 (491,206) 76.36%

Repairs & Maintenance to Plant 4,595,883 2,532,927 3,950,000 3,541,010 (2,062,956) 55.11%

Scholarships & Financial Aid 10,371,309 9,036,735 10,298,800 9,428,364 (1,334,574) 87.13%

Strategic Opportunities 1,250,000 - * 1,250,000 - (1,250,000) 0.00%

Contingency 250,000 76,175 250,000 4,975 (173,825) 30.47%

Debt Service 2,985,000 2,669,223 2,985,000 2,875,000 (315,777) 89.42%

Total Operating Expenses 80,812,679 65,510,808 75,606,725 67,669,674 (15,301,871) 81.07%

Increase in Net Position 4,462,310$ (8,802,627)$ 7,721,526$ (11,077,648)$ (13,264,937)$




YTD MAY 2020

We have utilized $735,728.51 of the strategic initiative funding to date. The expenses were expended out of various Supplies & Expenses accounts.

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FY2020 Annual FY2019 Annual FY2018 Annual FY2017 AnnualActual Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget

Operating Revenues 23,153,375$ 27,315,064$ 24,949,027$ 29,246,544$ 26,085,806$ 27,226,000$ 26,564,410$ 28,530,000$

Non-Operating Revenues, Net 33,554,806 57,959,925 31,642,999 53,604,198 29,859,209 47,643,635 32,792,006 44,052,254

Total Revenues 56,708,181 85,274,989 56,592,026 82,850,742 55,945,015 74,869,635 59,356,416 72,582,254

Operating Expenses 65,510,808 80,812,679 67,669,674 79,979,223 66,988,584 74,620,000 64,584,502 72,259,190

Increase/(Decrease) in Net Positions (8,802,627)$ 4,462,310$ (11,077,648)$ 2,871,519$ (11,043,569)$ 249,635$ (5,228,086)$ 323,064$


Summary Statement of Revenue Expenses and Changes in Net Position

YTD MAY 2020

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BROTHERHOOD BANK 25 FEDERAL PROGRAMS 427,019$ 437,392$ 232,577$

BROTHERHOOD BANK 61 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,280,562$ 1,188,693$ 902,903$

BROTHERHOOD BANK 61 CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,069,003$ 3,069,003$ 3,069,003$

BROTHERHOOD BANK 74 BOARD SCHOLARSHIP 267,044$ 289,275$ 67,591$

LIBERTY BANK 11 GENERAL FUND 501,172$ 501,172$ -$

COUNTRY CLUB BANK** 13/14 ABE-CONT. EDUCATION 296,536$ 329,514$ 697,383$

COUNTRY CLUB BANK** 72 INCIDENTAL (AGENCY) 769,003$ 769,525$ 871,294$

SECURITY BANK*** 11 GENERAL FUND 12,613,599$ 9,278,708$ 5,018,164$

SECURITY BANK 15 TECHNICAL ED FUND 880,343$ 880,313$ 867,040$

SECURITY BANK 16 STUDENT UNION 1,251,547$ 789,847$ 1,131,717$


11 GENERAL FUND -$ 1,000,000$


TOTAL 17,785,653$ 3,570,175$ 17,533,442$ 13,857,672$

Current Previous Month Previous Year

91-day Treasury Rate 0.130 0.120 2.340

* Payroll clearing account normally carries a $-0- balance unless tax payment deadline falls after the close of the current month.

** No interest paid, no fees charged.

***No Fees assessed by Security Bank and Brotherhood Bank.



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July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020

July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019

Month FY2020 FY2019 FY2020 FY2019 FY2020 FY 2019 FY2020 FY2019 FY2020 FY2019

Operational Operational Operational Operational Net Net Transfers Transfers Cash Cash

Cash Cash Cash Cash Change Change In/Out In/Out Balance Balance

Inflow Inflow Outflow Outflow

June 17,112,289 13,921,978

July 1,120,087 1,893,505 (5,848,294) (5,819,623) (4,728,207) (3,926,118) 12,384,082 9,995,860

August 8,660,992 7,574,490 (7,083,680) (5,573,160) 1,577,312 2,001,330 13,961,394 11,997,190

September 7,498,242 8,275,439 (7,442,728) (8,448,948) 55,514 (173,509) 14,016,908 11,823,681

October 3,653,486 4,213,690 (8,032,248) (7,470,104) (4,378,762) (3,256,414) 9,638,145 8,567,267

November 1,394,853 2,263,775 (5,767,127) (6,080,099) (4,372,274) (3,816,324) 5,265,871 4,750,943

December 1,720,958 1,398,992 (5,808,633) (5,425,532) (4,087,675) (4,026,540) 1,178,197 724,403

January 29,642,011 26,999,318 (6,059,800) (7,471,965) 23,582,211 19,527,353 24,760,408 20,251,756

February 7,917,760 7,496,823 (10,685,251) (8,284,267) (2,767,491) (787,444) 21,992,917 19,464,312

March 7,458,489 5,172,465 (11,474,491) (9,849,981) (4,016,002) (4,677,516) 17,976,915 14,786,796

April 1,996,704 2,685,410 (6,479,676) (7,074,615) (4,482,972) (4,389,205) 13,493,942 10,397,591

May 2,107,232 1,898,779 (5,442,154) (6,582,603) (3,334,922) (4,683,824) 10,159,021 5,713,767

June 18,916,650 18,916,650 (7,518,128) (7,518,128) 11,398,522 11,398,522 21,557,543 17,112,289

Totals 92,087,464 88,789,336 (87,642,211) (85,599,025) 4,445,254 - -

Bold = Actual

73,170,814 (80,124,083)

GL Balance General Fund 9,278,708$

TEC Fund 880,313$


Kansas City Kansas Community College

Cashflow Analysis (General & TEC Funds)

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Issue Maturity Original Balance Less Balance

Debt Issuance Date Date Principal Issued 6/30/2019 Due Date Amount Interest 6/30/2020

COP-Capital Lease Oblig 3/1/2014 5/1/2029 $8,045,000 $6,305,000 5/1/2020 $682,403 $207,403 $5,830,000

7/1/2013 6/1/2027 $5,750,401 $3,400,000 6/1/2020 $498,406 $118,406 $3,020,000

12/1/2010 4/1/2026 $25,940,000 $13,845,000 4/1/2020 $2,306,638 $536,638 $12,075,000

COP-Bonds Payable 8/1/2010 5/15/2020 $3,080,000 $360,000 5/15/2020 $371,250 $11,250 $0

$42,815,401 $23,910,000 $3,858,697 $873,697 $20,925,000

Payments FY20


Debt Position

YTD MAY 2020

*This report will be updated upon receipt of final closing documents from debt refinance

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Description Amount Description Amount

July Insurance ($260,000)

(Property, General Liability)

August State Aid - Disbursem*nt 1 5,100,000$

September Tax Distribution 2,565,836$ Financial Aid Refunds ($1,300,000)

Current Tax 852,577$ COP - Interest on Debt ($269,000)

Heavy Truck 330$ (Certificates of

Motor Vehicle 1,462,602$ Participation)

Commercial Motor Vehicle 10,536$

Motor Vehicle Excise 10,792$

RV 5,066$

Delinquent 223,933$

Financial Aid Draw 3,400,000$

October Tax Distribution 775,787$ COP - Interest on Debt ($104,000)

Current Tax (2,285)$

Motor Vehicle 561,391$

Commercial Motor Vehicle 2,836$

RV 1,489$

Delinquent 212,356$

November COP - Interest on Debt ($60,000)


January Tax Distribution 21,202,376$

Current Tax 19,542,198$

Heavy Truck 7,331$

Motor Vehicle 823,030$

Commercial Motor Vehicle 19,153$

Motor Vehicle Excise 11,332$

RV 2,824$

IRB 452,786$

Delinquent 343,722$

State Aid - Disbursem*nt 2 5,100,000$

SB 155 Funding - Disb 1 1,500,000$

February Financial Aid Draw 3,300,000$ Financial Aid Refunds ($1,300,000)

March Tax Distribution 1,475,310$

Current Tax 838,822$

Heavy Truck 2,523$

Motor Vehicle 346,287$

Commercial Motor Vehicle 117,299$

RV 861$

Inflows Outflows

Predictive Model of Significant Annual Cash Flows

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (66)

Delinquent 169,518$

April COP - P & I ($2,300,000)

(Principal and Interest)

May COP - P & I ($690,000)

June Tax Distribution 15,122,245$ COP - P & I ($500,000)

Current Tax 13,749,192$

Heavy Truck 2,132$

Motor Vehicle 966,586$

Commercial Motor Vehicle 22,663$

RV 4,038$

IRB 177,302$

Delinquent 200,333$

SB 155 Funding - Disb 2 1,300,000$

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (67)



year 2012 9,102,820 $960,777 10.55 year 2013 9,781,828 $974,199 10.17

year 2014 9,693,245 $1,038,839 11.14 year 2015 7,217,301 $832,768 11.79

1/28/2016 686,808 $71,914 10.47 1/30/2017 669,778 $67,660 10.10

2/26/2016 612,126 $66,398 10.84 2/27/2017 520,873 $59,658 11.45

3/30/2016 589,650 $64,725 10.97 3/30/2017 571,377 $66,275 11.59

4/29/2016 510,454 $58,720 11.50 4/27/2017 488,937 $62,282 12.73

5/27/2016 490,058 $64,489 13.15 5/30/2017 519,433 $63,673 12.25

6/30/2016 499,129 $61,192 12.25 6/29/2017 493,221 $63,308 12.83

7/28/2016 471,206 $61,206 12.98 7/28/2017 517,966 $69,963 13.50

8/30/2016 555,317 $63,996 11.52 8/30/2017 509,347 $65,091 12.77

9/29/2016 488,177 $54,543 11.17 9/28/2017 471,352 $68,199 14.45

10/28/2016 463,380 $52,462 11.32 10/30/2017 510,088 $66,797 13.09

11/29/2016 521,442 $55,189 10.58 11/29/2017 440,328 $72,722 16.51

12/29/2016 614,663 $58,846 9.57 12/28/2017 543,884 $75,020 13.79

year 2016 6,502,410 $733,680 11.36 year 2017 6,256,584 $800,648 12.79

1/30/2018 693,552 $89,219 12.86 1/30/2019 609,645 $83,726 13.73

2/28/2018 607,766 $81,656 13.43 2/27/2019 625,832 $80,202 12.81

3/28/2018 523,914 $76,238 14.55 3/28/2019 554,141 $78,123 14.09

4/27/2018 543,350 $80,058 14.73 4/29/2019 510,325 $73,381 14.37

5/30/2018 489,912 $69,589 14.20 5/30/2019 441,276 $66,651 15.10

6/28/2018 465,616 $66,247 14.22 6/27/2019 436,477 $63,796 14.61

7/30/2018 508,674 $65,879 12.95 7/31/2019 537,680 $64,553 12.00

8/30/2018 519,245 $66,724 12.85 8/29/2019 494,320 $67,133 13.58

9/28/2018 441,010 $67,393 15.28 9/27/2019 485,749 $63,507 13.07

10/30/2018 523,678 $74,199 14.16 10/30/2019 528,274 $73,213 13.85

11/29/2018 553,893 $79,005 14.26 11/26/2019 440,981 $65,663 14.89

12/28/2018 566,892 $80,894 14.27 12/30/2019 524,192 $72,943 13.91

year 2018 6,437,502 $897,101 13.98 year 2919 6,188,892 $852,891 13.83

1/30/2020 501,163 $72,729 14.51

2/28/2020 507,458 $71,243 14.03

3/30/2020 488,515 $73,813 15.10

4/30/2020 279,539 $47,494 16.90

5/28/2020 296,200 $53,723 18.13


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HR Updates

• The HR Department in conjunction with the IT Department met this month to kick off the analysis and optimization of the HRIS system hosted by Ellucian. This project is designed to analyze our current system, identify improved areas of efficiencies and configure the system to meet HR best practice standards. The estimated completion date for this project is March 2021.

Training and Development

• The HR Department is currently in the process of planning a virtual New Hire Orientation for July 2020. This will allow our new hires to receive important information and training in a timely manner. This will all take place on Microsoft Teams live. This interactive method will allow our employees to be engaged and give them the opportunity to ask questions about key areas in the institution.

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES REPORT Peter Gabriel, Chief Information Officer


Produced and delivered online Finance CMTE meeting. Produced and delivered online Chat with the President. Participated in production of BOT online meeting. Began process of moving SOAR orientation online. Assisted faculty and staff with downloading and using MS Teams. Completed help desk tickets as they arose.

COMPUTING SERVICES 198 tickets were issued during the month of May –343 tickets were resolved. The average time spent on each ticket was 1.38 days. 407 helpdesk calls were taken in May – average time per call was 3.27 minutes.

MEDIA SERVICES Setup and recorded the monthly Board of Trustees Meeting. Made a broadcast copy for the

college’s cable channel, and a video archival of the Board of Trustees Meeting. Setup via zoom a virtual Board of Trustees Meeting. Setup the Virtual Graduation to air on the college cable channel Monday through Sunday at 10:30

AM and 5:30 PM. The Virtual Graduation is available on demand via the college’s YouTube channel.




2% 1%


Phone Support


Online Education


Media Services

Web Services

Network/Login support

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (70)

Preparing classrooms for Here Or There (HOT) classes. The classes will have cameras and microphones installed to teach on-board classes and live stream to other campuses.

Added still images of the downtown campus to the “Behind the Scenes” documentary for the PBS series.

Working with Student Activities to create a cable show called “Student Activities Let’s Talk”. Working with Wellness Center to create workout videos to air on the college cable channel and

the college’s YouTube channel.

NETWORK SERVICES Student Recruiter Web App Availability – 99.98% MyDotte Web App Availability – 99.97% Email Availability for employees and students - 99.99% WebAdvisor Web App Availability – 99.97% Network Switch and Phone and Availability – 99.98% Ellucian authentication process change project, the change to WebAdvisor’s authentication process

will be applied to the production environment on the evening of June 24th. Wireless access in the parking lot at the LVPCC campus has been was moved with facilities

assistance, to provide better coverage. Initial configuration of the new student and employee ID system has been completed. “Train the

trainer” will be conducted during the week of June 8th. Computer equipment updates in classrooms 2412, 2413, 2416, 2603, 2605, 3510 are in process.

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (71)

2020 – 2021

KCKCC Board Meeting Dates – DRAFT

Meetings are at 5:00 p.m. on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

*Marks the exceptions.


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

*Tuesday, August 11, 2020

*Tuesday, September 15, 2020 (9:00 a.m. @ MC)

*Tuesday, October 20, 2020 (9:00 a.m. @ PCC)

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

*Tuesday, April 20, 2021 (9:00 a.m. @ TEC)

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (72)

7250 State Avenue • Kansas City, KS 66112 • 913-334-1100 “An Equal Opportunity Educational Institution”


The Board of Trustees of the Kansas City Kansas Community College fully supports the statement by President Greg Mosier entitled “We All Must Do Our Part to Fix Systemic Inequities” posted on July 7, 2020. In his statement Dr. Mosier declared “To move forward as a community, we must all work together to fight and stop racism, bigotry, bias and discrimination wherever and however it exists.” Dr. Mosier further stated “Kansas City Kansas Community College is fully committed to support and value an environment where hate and discrimination have no home, and where students and employees are free and encouraged to speak up and have their concerns heard if an issue should arise.” Dr. Mosier also stated “KCKCC will dedicatedly work to continue to grow and expand our commitment to diversity and inclusion no matter our personal differences. Operating from a position of kindness, respect, civility and personal responsibility, we will continue to make our college and community around us an even better place to work and live.” Dr. Mosier’s statement is a call to action. The Board of Trustees supports his call to action, and we applaud his statement and commit ourselves to provide the support and leadership for our college and our community to become the place that Dr. Mosier and the Board envision.

PASSED by the Board of Trustees of KCKCC in a meeting held on June 16, 2020.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Signature_______________________________________________________ Board Chairperson

Print Name: Dr. Ray Daniels Attest__________________________________________________________ Secretary Print Name: Dr. Greg Mosier

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (73)

Policy: 4.06 Educational Assistance

Purpose: To assist employees in achieving their educational and career goals. Definition Legal dependents: Defined as those who can be claimed as exemptions per Internal Revenue Service guidelines. Policy Statement Full-time employees, their spouses, and legal dependents, as well as KCKCC retirees and their spouses, are eligible for a 100% employee scholarship for classes taken at KCKCC. These individuals will be responsible for paying any course fees associated with a class in which they are enrolled. Priority of enrollment in classes will be given to students who pay full tuition up to an including the first day of classes.

a) KCKCC dependents will not be denied continuation in the program if they have satisfactorily completed the preceding semester.

b) Dependents who pay half tuition to ensure their spot will not be required to pay the 2nd half of the full tuition if the program is not full on the first day of classes.

The scholarship shall cover Kansas Resident tuition and fees for courses taken through KCKCC. After the completion of twelve credit hours, the employee must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 50% of all courses— including the initial 12 hours—and must maintain a 2.0 GP in order for the scholarship to be renewed. Those employees and retirees interested in obtaining an employee scholarship for themselves, their spouse, and/or legal dependent(s) must complete an Employee Tuition Scholarship Application and submit it to the Chief Financial Officer’s Office.

Part-time regular employees must work a minimum of 20 hours per week in order to be eligible for 50% of this employee scholarship for classes taken at KCKCC. Adjuncts are eligible for 50% of this employee scholarship for classes taken at KCKCC during the semesters in which they teach for the College.

A. Enrollment Discounts for Non-Credit Education Courses:

Active employees, their spouses, legal dependents, and KCKCC retirees and their spouses may take most Continuing Education & Community Services courses for one half of the rate published to the public.

Discounts are not available for courses offered through vendors, such as Gatlin, Ed 2 Go, Command Spanish, CCI, and Pronto Spanish, and any others designated by the Dean of Career and Technical Education. There may be material fees for some courses. In these cases, eligible students pay for materials

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees …· 2020-06-16· KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (74)

and half the cost of tuition Silver Advocate Club members are eligible to take Silver Advocate Club classes at the published rate. If they are enrolled in classes with materials, Silver Advocate Club members must pay the full material fee.

B. Outside Tuition Reimbursem*nt Policy Upon successful completion of a one-year employment period, all full-time employees will be eligible for an Outside Tuition Reimbursem*nt Plan. The policy, however, does not apply to the employees who are on the Master Contract. Reimbursem*nt for courses taught in other institutions will not be made if those courses are offered at KCKCC. Qualified applicants will be eligible for up to 100% tuition reimbursem*nt for the first $500 and 50% tuition reimbursem*nt for expenses above $500 based on courses related to degree requirements and/or job enhancement, with a maximum reimbursem*nt of $3,000 per employee annually. KCKCC will pay 50% of tuition cost at the beginning of the semester when the employee enrolls and 50% upon successful completion of the class. Actual reimbursem*nt shall be based on the total funds allocated annually and may be prorated depending on the number of participants each semester who successfully complete approved courses and apply for funds. Required books and materials for each approved class may be included as an allowable expense. One-half (1/2) of the appropriated money for this program will be prorated among all the applicants in each Fall semester. All remaining funds will be prorated for each Spring semester. Should any funds still remain, they will be prorated for each Summer session. Request forms will be submitted to Deans and, if approved, forwarded to the Cabinet member and the President for final approval. Upon successful completion, the employee will submit grades and other appropriate documentation, including all receipts for which reimbursem*nt is requested and proof that books and materials are indeed required, with the approved Request for Reimbursem*nt Form to the Chief Financial Officer’s Office. Following outside tuition reimbursem*nt, employees will agree to continue employment at KCKCC for a period of 18 months from the successful completion date of the class. If the employee should choose to leave the College prior to 18 months, the employee will repay the College at the rate of 1/18 of the total assistance paid for each month remaining of the 18-month period. If an employee does not conclude course work satisfactorily, he/she must return to the College the funds received. While educational assistance is expected to enhance employee's performance and professional abilities, KCKCC cannot guarantee that participation in formal education will entitle the employee to automatic advancement, a different job assignment, or pay increases. The amount earned for outside tuition reimbursem*nt will be determined annually, based on the availability of funds.

Employee Procedure for Outside Tuition Reimbursem*nt

1. Obtain the form, Request for Tuition Reimbursem*nt for Outside Coursework for Full-Time Employees, from the Chief Financial Officer’s Office.

2. Submit the following documents to your Dean and the Cabinet member for approval:

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a) The completed original copy of the approved Reimbursem*nt form. b) A Request for Purchase for the amount. c) A copy of grade report or appropriate documentation. d) Receipts for all expenditures.

Submit all paperwork to the Chief Financial Officer’s Office.

Revision Approved: XX/XX/XX

(PDF) KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees … · 2020-06-16 · KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda May 19, 2020 – 5:00 P.M. Virtual - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)
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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.