The Last One You Loved (2024)

Carol [Goodreads Addict]

2,641 reviews25.1k followers

January 23, 2023

The Last One you Loved is a stand alone, second chance, single dad, romantic suspense by L.J. Evans. This book was chock full with so many wonderful things. The sweetest little girl you’ll ever meet, a sexy small town sheriff and a woman who has endured so much in her life. It’s time for all three of these wonderful people to find their happiness.

The Last One You Loved (2)

McKenna Lloyd was eight years old when Maddox first found her hiding in a shed from her mother. He was her best friend, they were inseparable growing up and eventually they became more. But when McKenna turned eighteen and they graduated, she had to leave Willow Creek, Tennessee. She had to get away from all the terrible memories and pursue her dream of becoming a doctor. She had to leave Maddox behind.

The Last One You Loved (3)

Maddox Hatley had loved McKenna since the first day they met when they were just children. But the love he had for her changed as they got older. When she left, she took his heart with her. But five years later, another girl came into his life, a little fourteen month old that needed him as much as he needed her. Now his life was all about Mila, his daughter.

Fast forward five more years. McKenna is in her last year of her residency when her life falls apart. She is in danger of losing everything she has spent the last ten years working towards. She has no where else to go so she goes back to Willow Creek while she figures out what to do next. What will happen when she sees Maddox? Will he even have anything to do with her? The answer to that question will come sooner than she realizes.

The Last One You Loved (4)

There were so many working parts to this story! There was the reunion of teenage lovers, there was a little girl that stole my heart right out of my chest, and there was evil. A woman who would do anything, had done everything, to make others suffer. She reveled in it. But she was only one part of what was going on in Willow Creek, of the danger trying to take away the chance that these people had at finally finding happiness. The last thirty percent or so was intense!

The Last One You Loved (5)

This book will make you smile, sigh, and gasp as things build towards a beautiful ending. And make sure you download the bonus epilogue. It was wonderful. I’ve read several of Lj.’s books now and every single one has captivated me but this might be my favorite. It’s such a fabulous book I hope you’ll pick it up and give it a go. And I hope you fall in love just as I did.

For more about this book and so many others, come and visit me at Carol's Crazy Bookish World.

The Last One You Loved (6)


670 reviews16 followers

September 16, 2022


This one made me so angry because I loathe hypocrisy in general and especially in my fictional romances and for some reason it rubbed me the wrong way reading this crap. I read for entertainment value, not to be upset and unfortunately this Author did a great job doing so because the concept what a “Hero” & “romance” is, is very different to mine. So though I didn't have particularly high expectations going in, I'm still quite shocked what a train wreck it turned out to be!

If you are expecting a sweet romance, this is not it. I am not sure what exactly it is but the characters don’t have love. They actually both need therapy STAT! It’s promoted as a 2nd chance love story of two childhood sweethearts who were soulmates but all you get is a few pathetic sex scenes, unlikable characters & the most lamest HEA I have ever read.

Heroine is needy, pathetic & a doormat. “Hero” is a head-case who needed therapy in the worst way! He’s portrayed as a good loving Father, but his actions & obsessive love for the kid is not one I want to read in my fictional romances.


MCs were childhood sweethearts & soulmates. Heroine had an abusive & manipulative Mother growing up. It got so bad that she had bruises all the time & low self-esteem even in the present thanks to Mommy Dearest. When she was 18, she wanted to go to college in CA to become a Doctor and to get far away from her Mother. Hero did not want to move and follow her because he loved his family & town more than heroine and he whines a lot how she could have stayed and gone to a local college, etc but yet HE didn’t want to give up sh*t for her! They tried at first to stay in touch but eventually they drift apart and heroine calls it quits and asks him to stop calling her because she now has a Fiancée that she is living with and has moved on from the Hero.

In the present, heroine is an ER doctor in CA, no longer engaged to the ex, still loves the Hero and she has been temporarily suspended because of accusations made by another Doctor. Oh… and she’s also broke without a dime to her name. Lovely.
She decides to go home. Hero is now a Sheriff living in the home that was her stepfather’s & which he had told her she could use - only to learn Hero bought it and has a 5 yr old daughter – a daughter that he adopted and who turns out to be heroine’s little sister! One that she was not aware her Mother had or that she was being neglected!

And here in is where the story sucked because he adopted the little girl when she was one year old because heroine’s Mother was neglecting her AND because (RED FLAGS HERE!!!!) she was a carbon copy in looks of the Mother & Daughter (aka heroine). I reference this because it’s mentioned over & over again and there is something wrong when a 23 year old single man who is just starting his career would willingly adopt a kid that was not blood related and instead was his ex’s blood relative – and her lookalike! Oh…. and yes, he adopted the kid without the Bio Dad’s approval. In fact, it is not revealed until close to the end who the Bio Dad is and as such, the heroine’s Mother has been blackmailing him for years to do her bidding or else she will notify the Bio Dad and he’ll lose the kid.

Now Hero believes that the adoption was legal and that the Bio Dad has no rights but he is still scared and tends to do whatever the Bio Mom asks – which at present is for him to not have any contact with heroine –not that he wanted to anyways for the first half.
Throughout the story, he & his family keep telling him that the adoption was legal & no way can anyone take the kid away from him and this is why it made me mad! I know its fiction, but how can it be legal if one parent has no knowledge of said kid and doesn’t waive off his rights??? And how also is it legal for a kid that is taken out of an abusive home for the state not to contact a blood relative, aka heroine? This is a romance after all, so wouldn’t the plot have been much better to have him contact heroine and maybe share custody or something? Instead, we are constantly told how he thinks he is legally entitled to the kid because he loved her and that made it right? He STOLE the kid. Author was a bit confused on that part by romanticizing a character who didn’t accept the simple truth and that did not make him a “Hero” – or a likable character.

I wanted heroine to sue the pants out of him, win custody of her kid sister and leave town with her head held high, successful and deserving of someone better than this twit. SHE was the kid’s family, not him! SHE wasn’t given the opportunity or option to raise her and that was because the douche decided that he was better qualified to be a parent then her. He alone made the decision without any accountability and to romanticize a character like that as being a great Dad just doesn’t fly by me. At all.

He was NOT a good Dad. What he was is a thief and I wished with everything in me (and why I continued to read it) that heroine had the gumption to give him a taste of his medicine by taking the kid away from him so he could understand what his actions did to her. But alas, that would have been too much to ask for and so she settled for crumbs like the good doggie she was. WooHoo!
Now some may say that he did make an attempt to tell her but she shut him down. However, she thought he was calling her because he wanted to get back together. She was engaged at the time & moving on from him so she hung up on him but he could have still found a way to get the message to her if he really wanted which he didn’t because he had an unhealthy attachment & possessiveness of said kid because she was a carbon copy in looks of the Bio Mom and heroine!

He said that he didn’t have heroine any longer in his life but he had her sister - his daughter - as a reminder. And all throughout the story where we are supposed to read about this big love the MCs have and whatnot, was really about him & his “daughter”. The constant “My daughter” reference in every darn sentence on every damn page had me grinding my teeth! It was always “My daughter is having a cookie”, “My daughter is going to bed”, “My daughter is going to see her Grandma”, and so on. I guess author wanted us to believe that he loved this kid more than anything, but it came across as a creepy/obsessive love because outside of the constant reference of how much the kid looked like heroine (and heroine’s Mom), he was pathetic. And in RL, he would be creepy.
So no amount of him & his family telling him that the adoption was legal and no one could take her away from him made it so because by Author’s own words, that was NOT the case and sweet moments inserted here & there between him & the kid couldn’t make it right!

And the romance? That too flew out the window. For a second chance & characters that are supposed to be soulmates, all we got is chapters where he wanted heroine to go away and leave him alone with his kid. Or have sex with her and whine that she would leave and he would be left with his kid. There was no romance. Only a lot of BS. Even the ending was horrendous! (He asks her to marry him and tells the kid that heroine is her sister so now the kid has her Dad & her sister! Not Mom – Sister. You would think that since she was marrying the douche/ psycho that he would have heroine “adopt” her little sister so she could be her Mom as well, right? But no. Apparently even in the HEA, the Hero is still territorial & obsessive and wants to be the only parent in this kid’s life! Ugh!

“You owe me an explanation,” she said.
“I owe you an explanation? I don’t think I owe you sh*t. You made it clear you wanted nothing to do with me. Your fiancé’s feelings were way more important than mine.”
“Really? You kept her from me out of spite? Revenge? That’s what this is?”
My heart fell as her words registered in my inebriated brain. f*ck. She knew. How the hell did she know? The full-fledged panic returned, squashing away any flicker of relief at seeing her.
“Who told you?” I demanded. “You can’t know. You can’t. She’ll tell him. She’ll…”
McKenna’s anger turned into wary confusion. “What are you talking about?”
“Go away, McKenna. Go back to your dreamy life, and your dreamy fiancé, and your medical career. Leave us alone. We don’t need you. We don’t want you,” I stormed. “You’ll ruin everything.”
Behind her confusion, hurt piled in before she locked it away, and I couldn’t help feeling a bit remorseful because her mama used to say McKenna had ruined her life. And yet, it was also the truth for me. McKenna had ruined me for other women. She’d ruined me for love. But she’d also brought me the biggest gift. She’d brought me Mila.
“I think you should leave.” It was Ryder who said the words to McKenna.
“Nice to see you, too, Ryder,” McKenna said, her voice full of sarcasm. “And I’m not going anywhere until I hear the truth. Until I know exactly why my sister is with Maddox, and why the hell no one contacted me.”
“I did call you!” I growled. “You hung up on me and then changed your number to make sure I couldn’t call you again.”
“I told you not to call me as Maddox, my ex-boyfriend, but not as the sheriff who had my sister.”
“I didn’t know for sure she was your sister. Not right away. Not for weeks.”
“Please. All you have to do is look at her and know.”
“She was one, McKenna. She didn’t look like anything but a malnourished baby who’d been living in grime and squalor.”
“You don’t get to have it both ways, McKenna,” I said, “You’re either here, or you’re there. You get your perfect doctor dream world, or you deal with the remnants of your old life, and I know what you’ll choose every single time. It will never be this.” I waved my hand around the bar, but I meant the town…me.
“She’s my family,” McKenna said
I scoffed. “What would you have done with her? Hauled her to class with you? How could you have taken care of her while working sixteen hours a day at some hospital? You would’ve had to give up your perfect life.”
“You had no right to make that choice for me!” she shot back.
My lungs burned, and my stomach was so knotted I thought I might toss the alcohol I’d drunk. By the time we’d finally sorted out the truth about Sybil, and the prosecution had pressed charges, I’d already fallen in love with my daughter.
“Who would she have had if she’d been with you?” I demanded. “Some random daycare provider? People in and out of her life? Here, she has people who care about me and my daughter and surround us with love―who give us what we need. You wouldn’t know the first thing about giving her any of that.”
It was cruel, but I just needed her to go. I needed her to scurry back to her real life and leave me and Mila alone. McKenna’s face shut down, becoming a blank slate like I’d seen her do hundreds of times when her mama was yelling obscenities at her.
“I’m not going anywhere, Maddox Parker Hatley. Not yet. Not until I figure out how the hell you got custody of my sister without the state ever contacting me. Where the hell is Sybil? Why would she even give you custody?”
“She would have given her to anybody but you,” I said.
“You’ve let your role as sheriff go to your head, Maddox,” she all but growled. “You don’t get to dictate everyone else’s life for them.”
“But I do get to dictate my daughter’s, and you can’t be a part of hers.”
“We’ll see about that,” McKenna said, twirling on her heel and storming toward the door.
My heart was on fire, as if she’d thrown the cracker directly at me, fear brushing through me anew. I had all the right paperwork, so I wasn’t worried McKenna could take Mila from me. It was Sybil’s threats about the father that worried me.
McKenna may have buried her worst memories that day and escaped to a brand-new world with dreams and a fiancé and safety, but now Sybil had placed the dark cloud over my head. It had been hovering there for too long. I needed to excise it just as McKenna had tried to do with strips of paper. I needed to call Sybil’s bluff because I was fifty percent sure she didn’t know who the father was.
But the risk…God. What if I took the risk and the worst happened? I’d have to run. I’d give up the law, my family, everything, to keep Mila with me.
“It’s selfish,” I grunted out, tipping my hat back so I could meet her eyes with mine from under its brim.
“Excuse me?” she demanded as her eyes flashed with annoyance.

“Wanting to get to know her. It’s selfish,” I said, keeping my voice low so our conversation wouldn’t be broadcast on the gossip line again.
“Exactly how is it selfish? I’m simply asking to get to know my sister.”
How could she not see what the simple request would do to Mila? How knowing McKenna, loving McKenna, and then losing her would destroy her tiny little heart? I wouldn’t let anyone hurt my daughter, especially not McKenna, who was brutally good at it.
“It’s selfish,” I explained, trying to hold back the protective growl I felt growing inside me. “Because it’s all about you and has nothing to do with her. We both know that as soon as you’ve done whatever the hell you’re here to do, you’ll go back to California. You’ll always choose what you want over what’s best for her. I’m not going to let you fly in and out of her life, taking pieces of her whenever you leave. She’s my daughter, and I damn well have the right to protect her from everything that will hurt her, including you.”


No OW/OM Drama
Neither celibate during 10 year separation. Heroine was engaged & living with OM and Hero slept around with other women.
HEA – The most pathetic ending I ever read!
Recommend? Only if you want your blood to boil!

    2nd-chance-sucks-lemons doormat-heroine lust-not-love

Leticia (jerseygirlsbookshelf)

451 reviews251 followers

September 22, 2022

"You're my favorite thing. My favorite memory. My favorite gift. My favorite person."
LJ Evans is able to break me into little pieces and then put me back together again. I jumped at the chance to read this because it's like it was made for me. Small-town romance, childhood friends to lovers, second chance...
I didn't expect to get as caught up in their story as I did, though. But it was so worth it.
The Last One You Loved is everything a second-chance story should feel like.

"He'd been a beautiful soul at eighteen, and now, he was a magnificent man."
Maddox made it impossible not to love him. You just... can't. He's not perfect, mind you, but he's everything you'd ever want in a sheriff's uniform and a cowboy hat. What really got to me is how far he's willing to go for the people he loves. He's both sexy and sweet, tender and rough, and he loves with everything he has. Even if he gets his heart broken in the process.

"I'd thought she belonged to the world, but really, she'd always been mine."
I'll be very honest and say I struggled with McKenna. Although I can sympathize with what she's been through as a kid, it seems to me that she was always hiding and/or running away from her problems instead of facing them head on. She didn't seem as in love with him as je was with her. And that's why her character development shone through – because, at the end, she is finally the person she was always meant to be.

"You were always enough for me. I always wanted you."
Maddox and McKenna were childhood friends who'd always been there for each other. They both wanted more, and one night, that friendship turned into something else. Into a love story, M&M, the couple who would be forever, until she left. She wanted to pursue her dream of becoming a doctor while running away from her past. Unfortunately, that meant leaving a very heartbroken Maddox behind.
Ten years later, she's still chasing that dream, until she has no choice but to come back to the small town they both grew up in.

"Just wait, McK. You're going to be the one having trouble walking when I'm done with you."
"Promises, promises."
"And you damn well know I keep mine."

All those years later, Maddox is still there. He's the town sheriff now. His family's ranch is bigger than it was when they were growing up, but his family is still the same. The family who welcomed her with open arms whenever she needed someone to hold on to. An anchor. Just like Maddox was, too.
But it won't be easy for Maddox to trust her again. It's the people we love the most who have the power to break our hearts, and he's afraid that her coming back to town will not only do that, but also trigger a chain reaction that will end up ruining his life.

"Forget the years and miles that had come between us. Live for this."
They're both guarded. They don't know how to act around each other anymore, but the love is there. It never really went away. It will take a very special little girl to guide them back to each other, though.
This is slow burn, and there's a lot of tension. You'll want to push them together and tell them to get on with it because they're meant to be, but the moment never seems right.
There are some family issues to deal with because the past never truly stays buried, but I feel like that only added to the love that seeps through the pages.

"We're not just forever. We're forever and always."
This book gave me a wonderful feeling of nostalgia. Of things that happened to me in my own childhood, and things I wish would have happened. Of a life I have both lived and wanted to live.
I'll be thinking about Maddox and McKenna for a while. There's a lesson to be taken from their story.
Sometimes you leave to chase your dreams, without realizing you're actually leaving them behind.


Carla Bulian

1,435 reviews403 followers

May 29, 2024

My heart is full of love! This story is soooooo lovely. Every character is great!
It’s well written and I didn’t stop reading until it finished.
It’s worth reading.


635 reviews18 followers

September 13, 2022

Loved, loved, loved this one! It’s a second chance romance which by the way is my favorite genre! Anybody? I loved the cover. I loved Mila because she was one of a kind and the sweetest, honest fun child I’ve ever read about. She had me either laughing or smiling every time she share something.
But my favorite part of this story was Maddox and McKenna story. Their beginning and their ending was swoon worthy. What they have was so intense and undeniable.
I highly recommend this if you love a good contemporary romance.
Thanks Rick❣️


Erica Binges Books

650 reviews41 followers

August 30, 2022

4.5 stars rounded up. This is my first book from LJ Evans and I liked it! As in really really liked it! I’ve been on a second chance romance kick recently, so this was the perfect read. And this book just ticked a lot of boxes for me: 1) a bit of angst, 2) swoon worthy single dad, 3) adorable kid, 4) bad guys, 4) drama, and 5) a legitimate reason for the pair’s breakup in the first place. I laughed, came close to tears, laughed some more, and was even surprised several times. Truly, I don’t think I could have asked for much more. There were even some steamy scenes! Honestly, this reminded me a little bit of something Devney Perry or Catherine Cowles would write, but the characters were maybe just a little less broken. There are some TW to be aware of— the female lead grew up physically abused. But all in all, this one totally worked for me. I feel like it could also be the start of a series. The author def left the door open for that possibility, and I really hope she decides to write stories for each Hatley siblings.

I received an ARC of this in exchange for my honest review. Thank you so much to the author!

September 10, 2022

(ARC Review) 4.5 Stars

I loved this small town second chance romance! This is my first LJ Evans book but will not be my last.

It has everything I want in a second chance romance: the right amount of angst and hurt over the past and a beautiful journey to finding each other again. Throw in a little steam, a bit of family drama and suspense, and I was hooked.

A lot of times in this trope the reasons for the breakup aren’t great, or aren’t discussed enough, but it was totally understandable here and my heart hurt for both of them. Though they were childhood sweethearts who were in love, McKenna had a terrible childhood and had to escape their small town to get distance from it.

Maddox was just so swoony. He’s a small town sheriff, protective of those he loves, a dedicated single father, and he was just so far gone for McKenna. I love a man who can forgive and he just had so much love in his heart he couldn’t help but welcome McKenna back with mostly open arms. I loved his relationship with his daughter and his family was great (and I look forward to his sibling’s stories. I hope.)

I definitely recommend this one!

TW: child abuse, parental abandonment

Stephanie Rose

Author24 books2,890 followers

September 1, 2022

Incredible, beautifully written story. I cannot say enough about the M&M gang, the soul-searing love between all of them, including the Hadley family I hope we see again. The way Maddox loves his little girl (one of the BEST single dads I've ever read) gets you right in the chest the entire book. You felt the lifelong connection between Maddox and McKenna that never died despite the hurt that paralyzed them both for a decade. LJ Evans created a romance with a couple that truly rises from the ashes to create something beautiful. As steamy as it is romantic with enough suspense to keep you on the edge of your seat, The Last One You Loved is one of my top reads of 2022.

Anne OK

3,746 reviews530 followers

June 24, 2023

Single dad with young daughter – small town second chance romance that packs an emotional punch – combined with a great dose of suspense, as well!

McKenna and Maddox were childhood sweethearts who parted ways after high school. Years later, fate steps in and gives them a second chance.

Mila is the spark that lights up this story filling it with laughter and joy. I always enjoy the addition of children and this little girl was exceptionally well presented.

I was hooked from the start. With a blend of angst and lingering hurt, the banter, the chemistry, and the overall journey to their happily-ever-after love story was enjoyable.

    2023-kindle-unlimited 2023-reads

Brayzen Bookwyrm

318 reviews49 followers

September 8, 2022

Between your tears, laughter, and all the feels, remember to breathe. The Last One You Loved by LJ Evans will have your heart racing and your breath catching for the entire incredible ride. Because sometimes losing everything you want gives you everything you need. But the journey to claim it, well, that’s not always an easy ride. But it makes for an incredible read.

Evans has woven a tale of second chances that extends beyond the book's primary relationship, encompassing a family who's hugs you'll feel through the words on the page clear to the depth of your heart and soul. While the steam and connection between Maddox and McKenna steal your breath, Mila will steal your heart with her very presence.

Maddox and McKenna (M&M) are beautifully developed, perfectly imperfect characters whose intricate backstories are only enhanced and deepened by the characters surrounding them. And yes, readers will want to embrace some and loathe others, but more than anything will appreciate how everything that happens leads to an incredibly heart-felt HEA. And there's a very healthy element of just desserts. In more ways than one.

Evans’s language is poetic and intense, building suspense throughout the plot, entwining multiple story arcs all seamlessly connected within and around McKenna, Maddox, and Mila. Every twist, turn, trial and tribulation created new ways to connect with the characters and their story.

This is the book I couldn't put down, but never wanted to end. I can only hope, dream, and anticipate that Evans will bring us back to Willow Creek and the Hatleys in future novels, because this is one book that has ‘series starter’ written all over it. And book hangover inscribed on every page.


1,646 reviews58 followers

September 15, 2022

What an emotional story! So much to love about this small town, second-chance romance. The relationship between Maddox and McKenna was just meant to be, even if they had to fight for it. The story was deeply emotional (and steamy!) with enough intrigue and angst to keep it interesting.

I loved the connection between Mads and McK from back when they were little kids. I cannot imagine growing up with the volatility that McK did. And how that instability informed her understanding of love and her need to be able to take care of herself and not rely on anyone else. Gah, some of that was tough to read.

It was so clear that McKenna was breaking her own heart by leaving Maddox, but sometimes you need to get some perspective, and some counseling, to figure out what you truly need. And I loved how McK stayed true to herself even when it was hard, even when ignoring the situation would have been the easy choice.

But the stealer of the show…. Mila. She was the cutest. The story of Maddox saving her broke my heart. Hands down, Maddox is one of the best single dads I’ve ever read. And I loved the easy connection between all three of them.

Such a great story! I can only hope we get to visit the town of Willow Creek again. There are definitely some other characters who deserve their story told.

Emily T

351 reviews15 followers

August 18, 2022

This was second chance romance at it's finest! What a heartbreaking and beautiful story that LJ wove between two people who were absolute soulmates. I was laughing and crying and holding my breath while reading this story! It was absolutely AMAZING!! McKenna and Maddox has a truly beautiful story and you could feel their love dripping off the pages. McKenna was such a strong person in chasing what she wanted, but also realizing she had exactly what she always needed. And sweet little Mila...she stole the show! This book had my heart was so damn beautiful! Everything I love about an LJ Evans book was in The Last One You Loved, and I will be in a major book hangover after this one! I fell in love with Willow Creek and everyone in it, and hope we get to go back and visit again!

Canadian Girl Reads

952 reviews29 followers

September 15, 2022

"𝙔𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙮 𝙛𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜. 𝙈𝙮 𝙛𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙮. 𝙈𝙮 𝙛𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙜𝙞𝙛𝙩. 𝙈𝙮 𝙛𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣."

The Last One You Loved by LJ Evans is Maddox and McKenna's story.

Maddox and McKenna were inseparable as kids until she left everything behind. Ten years later McKenna returns to Willow Creek and now Maddox is torn between protecting himself and his new life and not losing McKenna again.

The M&M gang completely grabbed onto my heart and did not let go. Maddox and McKenna have undeniable chemistry. I fell in love with Mila who is a whirlwind of a firecracker. Maddox and Mila's relationship has you swooning over the cowboy dad. I loved the family banter between the siblings.

All of them went through some horrible things but in the end, they managed to come out on top together as one amazingly sweet unit. The suspense element and twists kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. As with every other LJ Evans book I've read, this one required tissues.

5 Maple Leafs / Small Town, Law Enforcement, Medical (Doctor), Second Chance, Single Dad, MC, Romantic Suspense / Dual First Person POV

TW: Abuse (Physical, Emotional, Alcohol, Drug)
*advanced copy provided to Canadian Girl Book Blog for an honest review*

The Last One You Loved (19)

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Wendy Livingstone

17.6k reviews214 followers

September 13, 2022

Maddox and McKenna were childhood friends / lovers, destined to be soulmates, until she leaves running from her past and to follow her dreams, breaking his heart in the process. Now 10-years later, McKenna’s dreams are shattered, and there is only one place she wants to go, and that is back to her hometown. Maddox is now a single dad to an adorable little girl and is the town’s Sheriff. Maddox is understandable still angry with McKenna, but she senses that he is hiding a secrets’, and she is determined to hang around until she finds out what it is. This is a beautifully written story which is raw, gritty, and a small-town, 2nd chance emotional roller coaster, with angst, drama, secrets, humor, witty banter, family, friendships, suspense, mystery, intrigue, trust, forced proximity, heartbreak, tension, twists, and love, which leads to an entertaining story, which had me on tenterhooks throughout. I look forward to reading more from this talented author whose work I highly recommend.

September 3, 2022

The Last One You Loved by LJ Evans
ARC Review
5/5 Stars
This book had everything. Second chance, small towns, single dad, and a love that transcends time. It took a little bit to start this book, but once I started, I could not finish and sobbed happily at the end. These two plus the little one took my heart and made me theirs completely.

LJ Evans is a wonderful storyteller and gave these two justice in writing this wonderful story. This story is beautiful and poignant while McKenna battles the demons from her past and Maddox grieving over the loss of the relationship and while juggling his responsibilities.

Maddox had my whole heart. He is a wonderful man that took up a mantle the way a man should. He is the embodiment of a man that was well raised and I've added him to my book boyfriend list. I was a little miffed at both him and McKenna at the start, but they had their reasons and it was a testament to LJ’s wonderful writing that I embraced them completely.

McKenna, my baby girl. She is so wounded, rightfully so, but she made something of herself and it just warmed my heart. She and Maddox complete each other and I just was so happy that she got the love she deserved and more.

Mila was amazing. I loved her and she added to the story instead of detracting from it and I loved this amazing family. I need the rest of the siblings' stories and to see M&M&M crew being adorable in the background. This was my first LJ Evans book, but definitely not my last. Y’all need to read this book, like yesterday. Wonderful job, LJ. X

Thank you to LJ Evans and Rick () for an ARC copy of the book for review.

TW for child abuse (not done by the main characters). Please proceed with caution.

Leisa Ann

655 reviews9 followers

August 31, 2022

I’m always amazed at how vivid of an image LJ Evans is able to create through her words. At times it felt like I was watching a movie instead of reading a book. Maddox and McKenna’s story is one I’ve been waiting for but there was so much I didn’t know about McKenna…and to say she’s resilient is an understatement.
From the cover of the book to the playlist to the story to the bonus double epilogue I couldn’t have loved this book more. It had all of my favorite troupes…single dad, second chance, cowboy/sheriff, small town, and mystery/suspense. Add to that an absolutely adorable kid, strong heroine, protective hero, lots of chemistry and fantastic story. It’s almost as if this book was written for me!


41 reviews3 followers

September 19, 2022

I adore LJ's books. She has this ability to capture a reader with words that create such a vivid picture of the setting, how the characters are feeling, and rich backstories that you are immediately sucked in and want the HEA ( at least in my opinion).
I was lucky enough to be on her ARC team.

Jess - Reader of Books

723 reviews51 followers

March 28, 2024

Adult • Romance
Digital review
408 pages

❤️ second chance
👩‍⚕️ romantic suspense
❤️ small town
👩‍⚕️ friends to lovers to enemies to lovers
❤️ single dad
👩‍⚕️ close proximity
❤️ law enforcement

📍“I wasn’t ready to keep you.”

So, my slow reading phase is officially over. I flew through this book since, you know, it was UNPUTDOWNABLE 😱 LJ Evans broke me with those first chapters but did an impeccable job putting me back together. Halfway through, I was even wondering if my heartache had been true, as I was soaring with each smile, each touch, each wall crumbling down.

📍“You’re my favorite thing. My favorite memory. My favorite gift. My favorite person.”

I’m done for when it comes to second chance. It tugs at my heartstrings like no other trope. But not always it delivers like The Last One You Loved. This book marked me and I will carry it with me for a long time.

📍“Even though I told you the best part of BFFs is the forever part, I think your daddy and I sort of forgot it for a while, but now we’ve remembered, and forever it is.”

And the added suspense/thriller vibes were absolutely welcomed and the very best cherry on top of this delicious cake of a book.

Thank you so much LJ Evans for sending me an ecopy of this book. Are we going to have books on Mads’ siblings? Because I need them 👀

Lori R.

1,343 reviews68 followers

October 4, 2022

I loved, loved, loved this book!

This was a beautifully penned story of love and loss and heartache and second chances. Ms. Evans gave me a heart-filled tale that immediately pulled me in, latched onto my heart and soul, and didn’t let go until long after I was done.

As I was reading, I was filled with so much emotion and love, my heart was bursting with pure joy. Sometimes sadness and heartbreak too, but mostly all the feel-good feelings were there, overpowering all the pain.

The passion from this story lifted from the pages and held me captive as the words flowed from one page to the next. I felt everything.

I shouldn’t be surprised by how much I loved this story. It’s no secret I’m a big fan of this author’s writing. I can always see the scenes play out in front of me as I read her words. I feel like I’m actually there, and I love it when a story is able to do that.

I absolutely adored Mila. Her resilience and bravery tugged and tore at my heartstrings. I wanted to wrap her up and squeeze her in a big ol’ bear hug and never let her go.

Maddox and McKenna and Mila all hold a special place in my heart. They all endured so much, only to overcome, grow stronger, and eventually make their own happy ending.

I can’t say enough about how much I enjoyed this book. A beautiful read with all the emotions and feels I love in a romance.

If you��ve read and loved other books by LJ Evans, I’m confident you’ll love this one. If you haven’t read any yet, this one would be a great one to start with.


1,560 reviews11 followers

September 15, 2022

L.J. Evans has cemented her place as a one click author for me and The Last One You Loved has just become my new favourite. McKenna and Maddox's journey back to each other is filled with angst, but just so wonderful to read. From the very start, we know that Maddox must stay and McKenna must go, setting us up for their growing up to take place apart from each other.
This has been a delightful read. Full of wonderful characters, a strong, well developed storyline and the weaving of new bonds and relationships, as well as the recementing older ones. Maddox's family is just the best and it is fabulous to observe McKenna finally, truly, growing into her own skin!. The book is witty, funny, warm, brave and totally fulfilling. I loved every single word. 💖💖💖💖💖

Nicole ReadingBetweenTheSheets

891 reviews39 followers

September 13, 2022


LJ Evans has hit so many feels with The Last One You Loved!

This is a darker, yet lovely second chance romance read. The characters were incredible and so well developed, the storyline just grabbed ahold of me and didn’t let go, and the twists were phenomenal!

Single dad of an adorable girl.
Town Sheriff.
Keeper of secrets.

Trying to overcome childhood trauma.
Back to town in hiding.
Strong heroine who followed her dream of becoming a doctor.
10 years older than when she left.

The Last One You Loved is such an incredibly written small town romance! It is heartwarming, suspenseful, romantic, and twisted. I have read a lot of Author LJ Evans’ books, but this one is now my very favorite!!!

    abusive-past arc best-friends

Maria Angie Mendoza

2,992 reviews20 followers

September 14, 2022

Mesmerizing and intriguing, Maddox and McKenna’s story was the ultimate second chance romance story with ALL. THE. FEELS!!!
This slow burn second chance romance was absolutely beautifully written!!
I’m new to this author and I need to change that real quick.

Thought provoking and a real page turner, this story explores the question…
Can anyone ever forgive someone who’d hurt them so many times?

“You’re my favorite thing. My favorite memory. My favorite gift. My favorite person,” she said quietly.

With words like those, it was easy to get swept into their world and discover how their story would unfold.

This swoony, heartfelt romance was a moving story of love, forgiveness and second chances. Not only was this story well written, the characters were so likable and relatable. My favorite part about them was their honesty despite all the secrets and twists in their complicated history.

I was swept into the world of Maddox and McKenna and frankly, I didn’t want it to end. In fact all the characters brought so much to the story, I’d love to read more stories about the secondary characters.

What an incredible story!

A must read!!


742 reviews56 followers

August 28, 2022

"She was crying. McKenna was crying…and she never cried. She’d been fierce and brave."

The story of a fierce and powerful redemptive tale of love that never really died, but was brought back to life with the help of a precocious little girl and the strength of family all around. LJ Evans story of bringing a beautiful family back together never fails to Rock my world!!

McKenna left when she was eighteen to Maddox's mind because she needed to escape the dirt her Mama (Sybil) pushed at her all around when that was only partly true. McKenna left so she'd stop being a burden on the Hatley family, so they wouldn't push her away like her Mama did and learn to hate her just the same - never understanding the Hatley's could never come to hate her, no matter how angry Maddox was in the moment.

Maddox has trained himself to believe that McKenna never cared enough to stay, so when something or someone scared McKenna enough to force her her home, Maddox's first inclination is to hide Mila from her and force her to stay away from Hatley land - no matter how much she might need them right then.

I fell in love with this book on page one, and was completely in love with Milas demeanor and empathy, her knowledge that McKenna was right where she needed to be. The suspense, trying to figure out who Sybil had used last to hurt another one of her daughters and shake up Trap's Motorcycle Club, and the last few pages where another man was trying to hurt Sybil and those around her - as though she had the capability to love someone besides herself.

I am praying that Gemma, Sadie, and Ryder will each get their own HEA, the epilogue in this one is such absolute perfection!!

5/5 🌟's

Tw: Elements of Child Abuse both on and off the page, some elements of adult abuse off the page


316 reviews1 follower

September 3, 2022

After a lifetime of abuse, McKenna escapes her mother and the small town in Tennessee that held so many bad memories for her. Only, in order to leave that life behind, she had to leave her best friend and soul mate behind as well. When the dream she had for herself suddenly shatters, she reluctantly returns to Tennessee for a respite. When she runs into Maddox and his daughter, her life changes again, and she realizes that the dreams she once fled town to secure are not really the same ones she has now.

I love the way LJ Evans weaves music and lyrics into her stories. I am not a fan of country music, but after reading The Last One You Loved, I must admit I will probably listen to a few of the songs quoted at the beginning of the chapters!

I fell in love with McKenna and Maddox within the first few pages and, although I knew there was heartbreak and pain coming, I spent all my free time consuming this wonderfully written love story. The Hatley family is full of fun, joyful personalities who love as hard as they play. They are the supporting cast, along with a few unicorn stuffed animals, a precocious five year old, and a close-knit community, that really are the icing on the cinnamon roll. This book will give you all the feels! I would highly recommend this for fans of Kristen Ashley, Devney Perry, small town romance, second chance romance, single parent stories, and those who just adore a great love story.

Jennifer Leigh (jenjenbookfan)

842 reviews24 followers

August 21, 2022

The Last One You Loved is an intense second chance romance between Maddox and McKenna, two soulmates who must fight demons from as far back as childhood that are still clawing at them in the present. As usual the flow of the book was punctuated by the perfectly suited song lyrics at the top of each chapter, and the world building for Willow Creek and the characters there is phenomenal. While I’ve come to expect authentic, raw emotions from LJ Evan’s books, the intensity and depth, as well as the twists in this one honestly took me by surprise. These characters felt so real, and their pain was palpable. The book felt like it had layers with Maddox’s emotions and experiences after McKenna left, the trauma of McKenna’s childhood and other experiences, and then the interesting light and twist that Mila brings to the story were all brilliantly presented. Even through all the hard feelings and plot twists, the love shined bright like a beacon, especially from Maddox. My favorite male character is a loving, protective, compassionate man, and Maddox is a prime example! McKenna is an inspiration in that she suffered through things that no one should, and many would use those experiences as an excuse to give up or take the wrong path in life. McKenna, though, strived to make something of herself, despite her emotional scars that prompted her to run from those that wanted to help her. Their connection and chemistry had a life of its own! I hope we get to see more of this world in the future!!

I received an advanced review copy for free, and am leaving this review voluntarily.

Tracy (The Pages In-Between)

761 reviews31 followers

September 4, 2022

Another brillant book by this beautiful soil. Loved their story sooo much!!

Michelle Fritz PA

1,239 reviews93 followers

August 22, 2022

Oh my heart! I could not have fallen more in love with this beautiful book! These characters will weave their way into your heart. This second chance romance with a small town vibe and lurking danger will have you captivated and leave you breathless! This is one enticing book that is filled with tenderness, burning passion and hope.

The hero is a single dad who doesn't want to let the one person who could destroy his whole life back into it. He's haunted by memories and building a life the best way he can.

The heroine has built herself up to stand on her own. She pushes everyone away because the potential to be hurt is too great a price to pay.

When one little girl ties them together they must learn to move on and forgive not only themselves but the demons that are still wrecking havoc.

This is beautifully written and will leave its imprint upon your soul. You must meet the entire cast of characters because this is going to be one unputdownable series!


96 reviews2 followers

September 15, 2022

Wow just wow! What a spectacular read. Absolutely adored McKenna and Maddox- their story is original and unique in how they met, the backstory and the way they came together for their second chance. It’s a total swoon fest! And Mila! So endearing, funny, cute and her ‘ That’s what I said’ made me laugh and smile every time she said it. The background landscape description was amazing and I can see the other family members having their love stories too! Superb read by a superb author

Misty Whightsel

120 reviews4 followers

August 23, 2022

I loved this story so much!! LJ is a great storyteller and this was no exception. This was a book that I did not want to put down. I am a sucker for a good 2nd chance romance and this one checked all the boxes. Just wondering if we'll hear more about Ryder, Sadie and Gemma??
I was given an ARC of this book for an honest review.

Amy Malek Concepcion

1,361 reviews70 followers

August 21, 2022

4.5 stars.

This was absolutely everything I could ask for in a second chance romance. Maddox and McKenna’s story was so sweet. It had the romance obviously but also a bit of suspense with everything going on with her evil mother and in California. Then add in the bonus of an unicorn/rainbow obsessed five yr old and it’s somehow even better. Mia was adorable.
And of course the chapter heading song quotes and playlist are always perfect!
I will read everything this author writes.

    automatic-read-author awesome-playlist-included childhood-friends
The Last One You Loved (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.